2nd day in Da Lat on my extended vacation

in #travel9 months ago

So if you read the first part you already know that this is my first vacation of sorts whose sole reason was to relax. Sure I have been to Thailand once in 2023 but this was mostly to coordinate visas and not purely for enjoyment. I don't often go on vacation because I suffer from separation anxiety when I am away from my dog even for a little while. The dog feels the same way and therefore I don't often go. It weighed heavy on my mind during all of this trip but I made the best of it and tried to not be a "stick in the mud" with my travel partner.

So we are staying inside of an amusement park of sorts and honestly, while the place is huge it is filled with mostly gaudy crap.


Much of it doesn't even make a great deal of sense as to why it would be even be here such as the I'm guessing like 1:20 representation of the US Capitol building. It was located in some back corner of this wooded area and almost no one else was around. I was tempted to climb on top of it King Kong style despite the signs that said you are definitely not supposed to do that. In the end, out of fear for my own legs, I decided against it.


Steps away from the Capitol we have this Chinese pig. All of the animals of the New Year in whatever that part of Chinese history is called were represented. The entire park just seems to be a mish mash of whatever the hell they thought of at the time.


Continuity be damned! This wasn't an area dedicated to any particular country and there was just random stuff all over the place such as these wild animals that were roaming within sight of the Capitol building.


Ah yes, I remember when I was visiting Washington D.C. and there were giraffes galivanting off in the distance. It's actually quite common :P


Further down the line in one of the, I guess garden areas, there was a potted plant peacock. I suppose I can admire the amount of work that went into this and of course right next to that we have something completely related such as a Korean or Mongolian wall of sorts.


The person I am traveling with is a school teacher and when she was asking her students what it is that there is to do in Da Lat the ones that had actually been there responded "take pictures!" I have to say that they are correct about this notion.

This amusement park is pretty garbage but we had a sense of humor about it and just kind of laughed and laughed because you never knew what was going to be around the next corner. One minute you are looking at a poorly constructed representation of London Bridge and then there is a Dragonball Z display mixed in with Mikey Mouse and Snoopy for some reason.


Then of course there were the parts of the park that they no longer bother to maintain, such as this temple replica that at one point had a bunch of turtles in it but now it is just disgusting water with nothing in it at all. I think it might be too cold up here for turtles to survive but mostly I think they just got sick of maintaining it since most people just come here because it was part of a package tour and they just get into whatever the golf buggy takes them to. This was not a part of the park that the buggies take you to.


For the most part it was just a crazy collection of random stuff and there are many more photos to follow such as the unexpected was museum and "love maze" made of half-assed hedgerows.

If I had paid to get into this park I think I would have been upset, but since it was included in the price of our bungalow I kind of enjoyed it. It ended up taking us several days to explore it all because it sits on a rather massive piece of land and we didn't realize that we were allowed to use the park transport for free at first.

I'll detail more of the random garbage they had in TTC World in my next post. Until then!

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