Here I Go Again On My Own

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

It feels like only yesterday when I was setting out on my long trek to Tennessee for the first @thewritersblock meetup. In reality it was a few months ago. Yet here I sit on my first train, composing a post in the Wordpress app on my brand new Samsung Galaxy Note 9, about to begin documenting my latest international wanderings.

Its 10:15pm local time and this is the last train of the day from my home town to Birmingham International Airport. The earliest tomorrow morning would leave me precious little time to check in for my first flight, that one to Dublin. Once there I will have a three hour wait for my transatlantic flight to Canada.

Why am I going to Canada? @steemcafe has organised the Steem Creators and SMT conference, which kicks off in a few days in Toronto. Joining me there will be fellow @thewritersblock cohorts @Jasonbu and @rhondak. We will be in attendance to present our new front end which, while currently in beta, aims to solve a lot of problems facing steem creators on Steemit. This will be the second point of our TWB triangle, the first being The Writers' Block discord channel and community, while the third is our publishing house.

While I am there to support Rhonda and Jason, they will be doing the hard work presenting our vision to those in attendance. I however have the honour of representing I'm not gonna lie, I am reading standing up and speaking to a crowd. Believe it or not I am quite a shy and reserved person in real life, so this will be way out of my comfort zone. I do however see it as a challenge and am strangely looking forward to pushing myself. Who knows, maybe by the time Steemfest rolls along in November, I might feel comfortable enough to join Rhonda on stage.

The ever awesome @eturnerx made this trip possible for Rhonda and myself as he understands our vision and has blessed our community with his support from day one. We are most grateful to him.

Well, my first stop is coming up soon and I have to swap trains to the airport. I will be spending the night there again, as I did a few months ago. Maybe I will post again before my first flight, if not then certainly before I cross the ocean.

Thanks for reading.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


Two things I want to say here.

One, that train station photo is so fricking vivid it looks like a model train layout. Wild.

Two, Save Johnny!!!

Wut, you say? Ha, yesterday, hanging out in Neoxian's discord, rapping with some hilarious nigerians, we tend to discuss "slang" a lot, it's a thing in his server. His "city" is making its own global slang collection to call their own. I was talking about the whole "SirCork/SirCock" pronunciation/accent gaf, and we found a page of them, including my new fav.


Can you guess?

"Safe Journey!"


Love you muxx, the more time you spend on North American soil, the cooler you get! :D

Haha, thanks dude.

Photo courtesy of muh new phone.

Can't wait... Counting down the hours until I collect you guys at the airport... WELCOME/BIENVENUE TO/AU CANADA!

This may sound corny, but that song has been buzzing in my head for days!


Lol. Can't beat a bit of 80s pop rock.

WOW, that train station photo is amazing! I was standing up there and didn't even think to look back and take a photo. You have an eye muxxy. Have a wonderful time :)

I'm so excited I bet I don't sleep a wink tonight. This whole experience has been absolutely incredible.

What a song! What hair! What leather trousers! They don't make em like that anymore...

I'm interested in seeing what TWB can evolve into, so good luck on your journey. Do you have visions of being a bit like Publica (

Such hair, very leather.

From what little I have heard of Publica, no.

eturnerx is a nice guy. happy u are meeting new steemians, but be carefyl dere in Canandia. dose heathens dont speak proper brit lingo and i dont think they know what portuguese pastries are.

How very uncivilised...


I see you've upgraded to the Galaxy Note 9. Great picture of the train station. Although it's video capabilities could be a bit better. So when did you go to the Whitesnake concert? I didn't know they were touring again. Were they playing the train station? If so, you guys have really great train stations. :-)

I am hoping to upgrade soon myself. But in the meantime I'll just keep using my Samsung Solar System Post-it Note 2.5.

Hope you have a great trip.

You crazy guy

Whitesnake. Classic. 🤣

Looking forward to hearing more about these adventures, especially if you’re going to be including some more NWOBHM music in them... 😉

Posted using Partiko iOS

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