On the road to Cefalu .....Auf der Straße nach Cefalu....Deutsch/ English with 7 Pictures

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Vor 2 Tagen sind wir nach Cefalu gefahren und mich hat die Landschaft sehr begeistert.Berge mit grünen Weiden und riesigen Felsblöcken schmücken die Landschaft.Ich konnte es mir nicht nehmen lassen einige Bilder zu machen um euch diese schönen Eindrücke zu zeigen.Einfach wunderschön.

2 days ago we went to Cefalu and I was very enthusiastic about the landscape.Berge with green pastures and huge boulders adorn the landscape. I could not take some pictures to show you these beautiful impressions. Simply beautiful.

Content and Pictures

By Germanlifestyle


This is the landscape you get, when people chop all the trees to build ships for their empire. The same happens later, when you chop the trees to build up one-crop agriculture today. The forest doesn't come back later on. On these pictures you see the result of one of the very first environmental faults of humanity. When the trees have gone, there is no more soil to recultivate the trees. Bareness is the result. I can't see something nice on the pics. I always see the sin in the landscapes around the Mediterranean sea and it hurts me.

Honestly, you are right you have the forest gerodet and that is unfortunately the result. Unfortunately, many animals have disappeared.Mir pain my heart but unfortunately we can not turn back the time. The humanity will never learn it and so we have The effects of klimawabdels now and need to suffer. Slime for the next generation. Sicily is still one of the most beautiful islands. How long yet?We will see.Thank you for your comment @ afrog.greets

@germanlifestyle ich hoffe du hattest trotzdem eine schöne Zeit und hast es genossen! 🌱 Viel Spaß bei deiner nächsten Reise 🌞

Dankeschön habe es sehr genossen

Du hast recht, aber es gibt trotzdem tolle Ecken in Sizilien 🖖

Superschöne sogar..ich liebe diese Insel

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