Getting to Pattaya (Part 2)

in #travel8 years ago

 I wasn’t prepared for the throng of Taxi touts waiting for us in the Arrivals Hall. There were a lot of them. All heading toward me it seemed. I knew from the Forum that there would be some waiting for us, in fact I was banking on it. Selecting one of these Tout’s Taxis, was the only way I knew of getting to Pattaya. Cries of: “Please Sir,” “Taxi Sir,” “Very Cheap Sir,” was coming at me from every direction. I’d read that the going rate for a Taxi to Pattaya, was around fifteen hundred Baht. But these Guys wanted Two Thousand Baht, plus. I eventually found a Tout who would do it for Eighteen Hundred, including Toll Fees. I was impatient to get to Pattaya and couldn’t be bothered negotiating any more.

      Walking out into the heat of the day, was akin to walking into a brick wall. It hit me full on. I hadn’t given it a prior thought. The Air Conditioning of the Aircraft Cabin, and the somewhat cooler temperature of the Terminal, only served to accentuate the temperature outside. Standing there in the heat and humidity, while the Tout went off to get his Taxi, gave me a little time to reflect on the Adventure that was ahead of me. For the next eight hours or so, I knew roughly how it would go. But after that…?? The anticipation of experiencing all the stuff I’d read on the Forum was making me a little “hyper.” I was looking forward to meeting the friends I’d made on the Forum. Especially Jimmybb. A ‘Newbie’ like myself. Where was that Guy and his Taxi!

It was almost two hours before the Taxi approached the suburbs of Pattaya, then, as we drew nearer the City Centre, the Beer Bars, the Restaurants and the Shops, with their lights and music, did nothing to settle my impatience. When we turned onto Beach Road, from North Pattaya, I think my bottom jaw dropped at the sight that was ahead of me. BARS! Hundreds of them! Lined up along Beach Road to infinity!

 I knew there were a lot of Bars in Pattaya, but I had no idea of the scale of it. Someone on the Forum had estimated that there were more than 3,000 Bars in the two Resorts of Pattaya and Jomtien. I’d viewed that figure with scepticism. However, as the Taxi continued it’s journey along Beach Road, there was seemingly, no finish to the endless line of Bars curving around the Bay. The Bars were open to the Street, and many were open on all four sides, encompassed in a complex of Bars. It was still early evening, around 7.00pm, but despite this, the Girls and their customers could be seen, drinking, talking, laughing, and thoroughly enjoying themselves. My tummy turned at the prospect of being involved in this incredible, vibrant scene.

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