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RE: A warm welcome from the Queen: Two Aussies arrive in London

in #travel6 years ago

No zombies here...The idea of staying awake is that you break the sleep cycle established back home. We ended sleeping around 7pm the first night after a tiring day and were up at 4am the following morning. It’s a bit strange but pushing through the sleep changes is the way to go. When we left Australia the sun was setting at 5:30pm and here it’s 9:30pm which makes it more difficult to deal with.

Anyway, we’re having a cracking time. London is pretty cool, at least it is for us I guess because we are on vacation.


I've never crossed the Atlantic before, and up until my younger son's wedding in Washington DC, the farthest east I'd traveled was Houston, TX. So, I've never been to Europe and have no idea what London is like for tourists or natives. If it's like anywhere else I've been, there's plenty of places I'd like to visit, but never live there. Big cities and I don't do very well, but you generally visit them in sections and potentially over time, so it's not like you're trying to take it all in all at once.

Well, I'm glad to hear that breaking the sleep cycle is working. Since I'm in the northern hemisphere, the sun setting at 9:30 pm is pretty close to what's happening to us in Oregon. It would just be the eight hour time difference, the jet lag, not knowing the place, probably relying on public transportation to get around, and trying to blend in until I opened my mouth. :)

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