Can’t find good content on steemit?...Get your ass to Paris and into this bookshop then!

in #travel6 years ago

I read a lot, books I mean, and have done so for a long time. The first book I read was Tolkien’s The Hobbit as a nine year old, quickly followed by The Lord of the Rings and many, many more. It’s a passion of mine and I have learned many things by reading about the deeds and experiences of others and have been entertained by countless fictional books from many genres. I think my love of reading, and information, is why I get so vocal, and disappointed, at some of the more cursory posts on Steemit which, is after all, a blogging site. I just like reading and learning...No chance of that changing now at the age of 48!

I like books. Real ones. There’s something special about sitting quietly with book in hand reading the words; The soft rustle of the pages turning as I make my way through, a cup of coffee and some cake as well; What a great way to spend an afternoon...I don’t get the same enjoyment from ebooks. As most know I also love travel and combining the two, travel and reading often happens as I’ve always got a book with me. With a trip coming up shortly I was reminded of my last trip to Europe and a place I came across in Paris.

The Shakespeare and Company bookshop is an English-language bookshop situated right in the heart of Paris. It lies opposite Notre Dame on the banks of the Seine. It opened in 1951 and quickly became a Left-Bank institution for lovers of the written word. Founded by an American man called George Whitman it sits at 37 rue de la Bûcherie which is also Kilometer Zero; The point at which all French roads begin. Cool huh? The early-17th century building was formerly a monastery called La Maison du Mustier. It’s still a place of quiet reflection and studiousness however there’s not a monk to be seen; Not when I was there anyway.

We came across the bookshop by chance after a visit to the Conciergerie, the infamous prison that held many prisoners prior to beheading including Marie Antoinette (a fascinating place). We tend to walk a lot when on holiday and fortunately came across the bookshop and went in for a look. So glad we did.

The place is covered in books as you might imagine but it’s not like any bookshop I’ve ever been in before or since. It was...eclectic I guess. There were comfy chairs and sofa’s all over the place and many books where people were ensconced with a book. It was awesome. It’s only a short walk from the Sorbonne (University of Paris) and so there’s plenty of students there but there were people from all walks of life, all quietly engaged in finding and perusing books. Love it!

We spent about two hours in there poking around and even found a small corner with a comfy couch to nestle into and read for a bit. I bought Victor Hugo’s 1831 book Hunchback of Notre-dame which takes pride of place on top of my piano here at home with a couple of other prized books. So, here’s me snuggled with my wife on a couch in Shakespeare and Company bookshop reading the Hunchback of Notre-dame, directly across from Notre-dame! Perfect.

I guess you’d have to be a book lover like me to understand how cool that was but you have to appreciate the coolness-factor of it right? Or not maybe. The images in this blog are from that visit. You can see how eclectic the bookshop is with books everywhere and why a book lover would feel right at home.

We’ll go back there on our next visit for sure and if you manage to get there it’s worth your time. Most people would never know it existed; They visit Notre Dame right across the Seine and other ‘tourist’ destinations and yet miss this little gem right in front of them. I’m not sure when we’ll be back, next year or maybe 2020 maybe but I know we will...Just like I know I’ll be back to my favourite boulangerie (bakery) as well. Best bread ever!

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Sounds like you were in your own real life fairy tale! Interesting how little treasures get missed by the distracted masses. All the more for you to enjoy

I even had my very own princess to complete the fairy tale...Aka my wife. :)

I agree though @stuffing many people can’t see the woods for the trees these days, or maybe sheeple have a different idea of value these days.

Oh I see you mention the princess to. Oh Lord don't mention the sheeple they might need a corner to cry in, hahahaha

Maaahh.... that’s a crying sheepson

People miss all the real treasure as I told you. Those really warming little things that make every breath a little deeper.

Thanks for the guilt trip as my dad would have liked you more than me. He was a very clever man and read who knows how many books. I am grateful to you and other steemians as this is the most reading I've done in a very long time and can feel the mind opening up more all the time.

Our minds really do become stagnant.

I love the look of the little shop and can imagine that one would find some real treasures there, you found a princess I see, lol. As for the bakery, shut up, I love fresh bread and warm croissants with bacon, scrambled egg and cream cheese and chives.

Now you see I also want to go on holiday, but apparently you've gone nuts and need it more than me. Hahahaha

Now you see I also want to go on holiday, but apparently you've gone nuts and need it more than me. Hahahaha

This could very well be your best reply ever! Yeah, I went bananas mate....

Bananas, did you say bananas, I love bananas, with bacon, fried egg, toast, fried tomato with brown sugar, baked beans and sausage.

Thanks mate, I'm getting a good education here

Really enjoyed the content Mate :)

What an interesting and old school book store.

A few nights ago @mattclarke and I were just having a conversation about physical books and magazines vs E Books and Tablets.

Specifically about the demand for hard printed content must still be in high demand, despite people carrying around devices that can be pre-loaded with the same if not more content from the author.

Your not wrong about the rustle of the pages, triggering the brain of a past experience and nostalgia that you 100% don't get from a digital version.

Do you still have copies of some of the old books you mentioned reading several years ago to pick up again from time to time?

I have the copies of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books I read as a nine year old. They’re battered and bruised however they’re readable. I wonder if a Kindle would still be working 39 years after it was purchased. :)

Now that's my kind of place. I can't tell you how much I would like to root around in there a little bit. Makes me pine away for my old bookstore...and all of the amazing conversations had with all of the other book people. Who needs an ebook anyway?

Books man. So awesome. I have been known to take a book hunting and culling. Nothing like sitting in the wilderness surrounded by the planet and reading an engrossing book. You know how many animals I saved doing that? :)

Ok, maybe glassing would be a better activity than reading in those moments. :)

That's crazy! I was just there (or at least I was near there). The book store had a line out the door about 40 people deep. I can't believe you found it with so few people inside!

No way, really?

When we were there we walked straight in. Was a few inside but was not crowded or noisy. It was such a great memory. I guess it depends on the season. We generally travel to Europe in Sept/Oct after the main rush. Maybe that made a difference to numbers.

What a coincidence you were just there.

Yeah, I was in Paris last week with my wife. Soooo much walking around!! And so many croissants & crepes :)

That bookstore is mentioned in many tourist guides online. You definitely must have been there at a good time if you had the store to yourselves.

Boulangeries...I reckon we must have visited 30 of them. We have our favorites though. Gotta love the food!

Yep, we hate crowds so were lucky at the bookshop.

No way, really?

When we were there we walked straight in. Was a few inside but was not crowded or noisy. It was such a great memory. I guess it depends on the season. We generally travel to Europe in Sept/Oct after the main rush. Maybe that made a difference to numbers.

What a coincidence you were just there.

No way, really?

When we were there we walked straight in. Was a few inside but was not crowded or noisy. It was such a great memory. I guess it depends on the season. We generally travel to Europe in Sept/Oct after the main rush. Maybe that made a difference to numbers.

What a coincidence you were just there.

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Reading is something that is highly undervalued by most.
It is just amazing what you can learn from a book.
I have decided to read one book per week for 2018,
and so far so good (I'm only 3 book behind schedule).
My approach to reading has completely changed,
instead of just reading for the sake of enjoyment,
I read first to understand, and second to find
that million dollar idea, or concept that I need to
integrate into my life. I cannot tell you how much
my life has changed in such a short space of time.
It's amazing.

Hopefully you find

that million dollar idea, or concept

in one of the books you read this year. If you do make sure you let me know what it is straight away.

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Hmm, sounds interesting...What’s involved exactly?

Thanks. Just read the post and saw this part.

Oh, and as mentioned above...
this is a Discord Server Community,
so if you are not willing or able to be active on discord,
then please don't waste your time or ours.

Counts me out. Thanks anyway.

@galenkp pity, but no problem... maybe one day ;)

I think the last time I was in a bookstore was a Barnes & Noble because my son was looking for a college football magazine that comes out once a year. Other than that, it goes back a few more years. Worst yet, I haven't been in a library for even longer.

I like books. I use them for certain things, especially where I will probably be highlighting or footnoting something. But when it comes to leisure reading, it's just as easy to buy the digital version online and store them in my Kindle app. Don't need to take up space with something I don't use so often, while having the entire library at my fingertips.

So, I guess I'm more in the digital world at this point, with at least a toe in the door of the other. Of course, if/when the EMPs ever hit, books will be back with a vengeance, so maybe I should just start picking up paperbacks on the cheap right now. :)

I get it, everyone's different. I listen to podcast's a lot but just can't get into the ebook thing.

It's that diversity that keeps all kinds of medium going. Printed newspapers and magazines are still around even though everything is online. Television still exists even though there's a concerted effort to bring it all online, too. Books will continue on for as long as there are enough from each new generation who finds a passion for them.

Yes, I agree.

Lucky we don't live in Ray Bradbury's world depicted in Farenheit 451.

You got a 43.67% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @galenkp!

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