Country by Country 07: Austria

in #travel7 years ago


This series will go country by country through my two-year trip. I plan on sharing some experiences, thoughts, and photos of each country that I visited.

Country by Country 07: Austria

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The plan was to go straight to Budapest, Hungary after Bratislava. I had made arrangements to meet the members of my family, individually, in different countries. My first meeting was going to be with my dad in Budapest. I still had 10 days to kill before my dad's flight arrived and I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend all of that time in Budapest. A friend on Facebook recommended Vienna, Austria. Vienna was completely off my radar at the time and I hadn't even considered it. I decided to go and see what Vienna had to offer and I'm glad that I did.

Vienna is a city that will leave you with your mouth agape. Now that my trip is over, I can honestly say that Vienna is the most visually pleasing and art-filled city that I've visited. Rome has more to offer in the way of history, ancient buildings, and artifacts, but for pure aesthetic beauty, Vienna is at the top of my list.

For one thing, there are statues everywhere in Vienna. Most of the buildings have some form of sculpture decorating them, and the parks and sidewalks almost seem littered with great works of art. For another thing, all of the buildings appear to be a hundred years old or older. Vienna also had a lot of great graffiti and street art.

I have way too many photos of Vienna and I'm too in love with my own work to objectively choose the best ones. So I'm going to randomly select a few of my favorite photos for this post.

Here are some of my photos of the stunning city of Vienna, Austria. First, a photo of my room.


Most of my room photos look like garbage, but this one turned out OK. Here is where I slept in Vienna. I forgot my cell phone USB-Power adapter in this room.


A cool building with statues on it.


More buildings with statues on them.


Would you like another building with statues on it? Here ya go.


And here we have another building with what appears to be statues on it.


Speaking of statues. Here's one. I don't know who this guy was, but my guess is that he was known for chillin'.


This guy is also a statue. He appears to be holding a small statue.


This is a statue family gleefully tormenting a fish.


This is a statue man fighting a statue horse.


To me this looks like a statue of the queen of England telling Paul Revere to discover America.


This appears to be a statue of Nepolian.


I believe this is a statue honoring women Spartians.


A church in the distance.


A nice archway.


A cool looking church.


Statues stuck to the side of a church.


A cool looking set of decorations above a doorway.


This is a nice modern mural on a modern building.


A gnome mural below a nice old building.


A mural.


This isn't a very good photo, but I like it because it's something you'd never see in America. On the right, you've got the "Kids info" office. On the left, you've got a crudely drawn naked woman that looks like a drawing on a bathroom wall.

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After a few days, it was time to move on. I made my way to the train station and boarded a train to Hungary. So stay tuned for some photos of Budapest and Balatonföldvár in the next post.


I've been there during Christmas! Beautiful country!!

It really is. I was expecting a city similar to some of the German cities that I've visited. Vienna was on a whole different level.

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