Victory Day on the shipsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago

In this part: the ninth and tenth days of the cruise "On Vyatka!", Down by Vyatka, Victory Day, Kama, Chistopol.

May 9, 2013. The ninth day of travel. Early in the morning we moved away from the veranda of the recreation center "Green Miles" and headed down the river Vyatka. Our twelve-day cruise continues, but now we are moving in the opposite direction.

Day is sunny today! In honor of Victory Day and "taking Kirov" the deck of the ship is decorated with colorful balloons.

01. вид на Вятку с палубы теплохода Василий Чапаев

We go without stopping all day, looking at the banks of Vyatka.

02. берега Вятки

The automobile bridge connecting the cities of Vyatskiye Polyany and Sosnovka.

03. Автомобильный мост через реку Вятку, связывающий города Вятские Поляны и Сосновку

The field is like a striped mattress :)

04. Поле, словно полосатый матрас

And then Vyatka got close to the houses of local residents. Someone has the river Vyatka even in the garden.

05. разлив реки Вятки

But not all houses are built so close to the spring flooding Vyatka. Perspicacious residents build houses higher.

06. дома на высоком берегу Вятки

07. берег Вятки

Trinity of the village is frozen on the right steep bank of Vyatka, look at us :)

08. деревенские смотрят на теплоход Василий Чапаев, который идет по Вятке

Someone built a new house.

09. берег Вятки

Down by Vyatka we go much faster than up. Kilometers 20 per hour.

10. теплоход Василий Чапаев идет вниз по реке Вятка

The ship "Vasily Chapaev" leaves a steep trail on Vyatka behind the stern.

11. Теплоход «Василий Чапаев» оставляет за кормой бурлящий след на Вятке

On the occasion of the Victory Day, 50 gr is given for lunch.

12. По случаю Дня Победы на обед выдают 50 гр

13. День Победы на теплоходе во время круиза по Вятке

Mixed deaf forest on the banks of Vyatka.

14. Смешанный глухой лес на берегу Вятки

"Moryanka" along with us goes down by Vyatka.

15. «Морянка» вместе с нами идет вниз по Вятке

One more running day is coming to an end. Soon we rise to the night camp.

16. Заканчивается еще один ходовой день. Скоро встаем на ночную стоянку

May 10, 2013 and the tenth day of our trip. Automobile bridge across Vyatka in the area of the city of Mamadysh. Very soon, the "Moryanka" will detach from us and we will enter the Kama alone.

17. Автомобильный мост через Вятку в районе города Мамадыш

18. Автомобильный мост через Вятку в районе города Мамадыш

Almost the middle of May, but in the ravines the snow has not melted yet.

19. Почти середина мая, а в оврагах снег еще не растаял

All. "Moryanka" disengaged, Vyatka ended :)

20. «Морянка» отцепилась, Вятка закончилась

And this is Chistopol - the city (since 1781) on Kama. In the 17th century, runaway peasants settled in the place of the future city, then their houses were burned and a clean field was formed. Again on this, now a pure field, fleeing peasants began to settle. So the name Chistopol arose.

21. Теплоход Василий Чапаев подходит к Чистополю

Welcome to Chistopol!

22. Добро пожаловать в Чистополь

Chistopol river port. We are waiting for a bus-walking tour of Chistopol. Those. We in the port sit on the bus, we are taken 2 km, planted, we wander around the city and on the bus we return to the ship.

23. Чистопольский речной порт

As a result of a walking tour of Chistopol, we managed to look at the following:

St. Nicholas Cathedral in Chistopol.

24. Никольский собор в Чистополе

Three-stone stone Cathedral of St. Nicholas in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was built in 1838 with the funds of the merchants Grigory Andreevich and Dmitry Andreevich Polyakov under the project of the architect Pyotr Pyatnitsky.

25. Никольский собор в Чистополе

In the years 1901-1902. The interiors of the church were renewed with the funds of the merchant Ivan Leontyevich Meshkichev.

26. Никольский собор в Чистополе

The cathedral was closed in 1927 and handed over to the renovationists.

27. Никольский собор в Чистополе

However, in 1932 the services resumed, but in 1936 the cathedral was again closed and transferred to storage facilities.

28. Никольский собор в Чистополе

Only in 1990 the cathedral was returned to the believers.

29. Никольский собор в Чистополе

At present, after considerable restoration works, the cathedral has acquired a pristine appearance.

30. Никольский собор в Чистополе

31. Никольский собор в Чистополе

32. Чистополь Никольский собор

33. Никольский собор

Theatrical (advertising) curbstone on Karl Marx street in Chistopol.

34. Театральная (рекламная) тумба на улице Карла Маркса в Чистополе

Karl Marx street.

35. Улица Карла Маркса

Monument "Eternal glory to the fearless and faithful sons of the Motherland".

36. Чистополь, Монумент «Вечная слава бесстрашным и верным сынам Родины»

Crossroads of the streets of Karl Marx and Leo Tolstoy.

37. Перекресток улиц Карла Маркса и Льва Толстого

Eternal flame in Chistopol.

38. Вечный огонь в Чистополе

Shop on Lenin Street.

39. Магазинчик на улице Ленина

Chistopol registry office.

40. Чистопольский ЗАГС

The central square of Chistopol. Here ends our walking tour, we take the bus and return to the port.

41. Центральная площадь Чистополя

Good-bye, Chistopol. A pleasant city, tireless :)

42. До свидания, Чистополь. Приятный город

In the summer of 2009, I already visited Chistopol, but then I did not go around the city, but only bathed on the city beach.

43. теплоход Василий Чапаев в Чистополе

But such a picture of the sun penetrating through the holes in the clouds caught us when the ship left Chistopol.

44. картинка пробивающихся сквозь дырки в облаках лучей солнца

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