Crimea: the second day of travel

in #travel7 years ago

In this post we will take a ride on the Miskhor - Ai-Petri cable car, visit the top of Mount Ai-Petri and have lunch in the background of the Swallow's Nest.

01. путешествие по Крыму, канатка на горе Ай-Петри

So. The morning of the second day was difficult, very difficult in the Crimea. On the eve of late at night, after a rich first day's impressions, I went to bed and immediately woke up from a ringing alarm clock. How so? I just put it and lay down ?! But it turned out that it was morning already, and I was waiting for a new day full of amazing experiences. To all our group this morning it was necessary to give out two matches and put it in our eyes :) Like no one was sleeping :) But it seems like everyone has woken up, we go for breakfast.

02. утренний Севастополь

To cheer up a bit, we decided to have breakfast on the terrace of our hotel. And it offers a kind of interesting: Artillery Bay Sevastopol with scurrying on her small teplohodik.

03. Севастополь Артиллерийская бухта

Svetlana, wake up! Now we will go to Ai-Petri.

04. завтрак в отеле BEST WESTERN Севастополь

We ate breakfast, took a bus and drove to the village of Mishor. Here we sit in the cable car and climb to the Ai-Petri mountain to a height of 1152 meters above sea level. In front of the cable car station, we are besieged by intrusive local businessmen who are offered to ride to the top of Ai-Petri in jeeps. But we have our own program - we will climb the mountain in the cable car.

In the photo: "Mishor" lower station of the cable car.

05. нижняя станция канатной дороги ГАУК «Мисхор»

And they say that there are no tourists in the Crimea! We arrived about 30 minutes before the opening of the cable car and got only in the fourth approach. And for us there was already a long line.

06. контролер на нижней станции Мисхор канатной дороги

Here we are going in such a hanging trailer. It turned out that on the way we will have a transfer at the station "Sosnovy Bor". Ie, from the station "Miskhor" to the station "Sosnovy Bor" we will pass 1310 meters and we will rise to a height of 304 meters above sea level, we will move to the upper section of the cable car, we will pass it 1670 meters, going up to the upper station "Ai- Petri".

07. кабинка канатной дороги Мисхор Ай-Петри

Go to the unusual vehicle. It turned out that each of these has its own trailer "motorman" :)

08. посадка пассажиров в вагончик канатки

What jeeps?! On the cable car faster and more interesting!

09. фото внутри кабинки канатки на Ай-Петри

A look back: vineyards, oncoming and the Black Sea.

10. вид на Черное море и виноградник из вагончика канатной дороги на Ай-Петри

We transplanted at the central station to the trailer of the upper section of the cable car. Attention! The ticket, which we purchased at the lower station, must also be shown here when boarding a new trailer.

11. станция Сосновый бор канатной дороги на горе Ай-Петри

The interior of the central station "Sosnovy Bor".

12. пересадка пассажиров на станции Сосновый бор

We go further. Ai-Petri Mountain is ahead, but its top is hidden by clouds.

13. подъем на канатной дороге на гору Ай-Петри

40 persons are placed in the cabins' cabins, which rise just 15 minutes from the lower Miskhor station to the Ai-Petri summit.

14. Крым канатка Ай-Петри фотографи кабинки

Again a counter car.

15. канатная дорога на горе Ай-Петри

We climbed to the top of the mountain, and here clouds. Few things can be seen. Get back a little and get lost :)

In the photo: the upper station of the Ai-Petri cable car.

16. верхняя станция канатной дороги Ай-Петри

And trailers with curious tourists all come and come.

17. прибытие вагончика канатки на Ай-Петри

The height is 1152 meters above sea level.

18. верхняя станция канатки на Ай-Петри

Only for a couple of minutes did the clouds part, and the top of Mount Ai-Petri became visible. The height of the peak is 1234 meters.

19. вершин агоры Ай-Петри

Again, the clouds envelop the Ai-Petri.

20. Ай-Петри в облаках

A new trailer arrived at the final station.

21. туристы на горе Ай-Петри

Tourists need to hurry and go faster, because The trailer slides all the time and tends to go down.

22. приехали туристы на канатке Ай-Петри

The newly arrived tourists are already waiting here. They immediately pounce a crowd of Tatars with a proposal to ride horses.

23. татарский базар на горе Ай-Петри

Visitors to the summit of Ai-Petri will be persistently invited to every cafe in the Tatar bazaar.

24. татарский рынок на горе Ай-Петри

And past the souvenir shops just do not go through: would entice each. It is everything obsessively, and even disgusting.

25. тиатарские сувениры на горе Ай-Петри

Crimea, Tatar bazaar on Mount Ai-Petri. Vitali still decided to try on his hat.

26. сувенирка на Ай-Петри

And this is some alpine sex shop. Or what is it?

27. непонятные штуковины на Ай-Петри

A local celebrity. Vietnamese Pig Chunya on Ai-Petri.

28. свинка Чуня на Ай-Петри

The clouds do not even think of leaving. I would like to see the sea from a height, but not destiny.

29. гора Ай-Петри верхняя станция канатки

I decided to take a walk in the neighborhood.

30. фото на горе Ай-Петри

31. сосны на горе Ай-Петри

32. вершина Ай-Петри фото

33. как на горе Ай-Петри

There would be no clouds, I would come to the edge did not come :) And so nothing scary :)

34. фото с вершины горы Ай-Петри

Dima Berdasov just captured this moment.

34 а.

35. сосны на краю горы Ай-Петри

36. сосна на обрыве Ай-Петри фото

Conquerors Ai-Petri: Vitaly and Dmitry.

37. Виталий Рагулин и Дмитрий Бердасов на горе Ай-Петри в Крыму

Good-bye, Ai-Petri. The sea from a height you have not shown us.

38. цветочки на вершине горы Ай-Петри

Our blogger group before going down from the station "Ai-Petri".

39. блогеры на верхней станции канатной дороги Ай-Петри

Slightly lower down, and the clouds anymore.

40. канатная дорога Крым Ай-Петри

41. Крым Ай-Петри фото из кабинки канатки

Approaching the station "Pine Forest".

42. едем в вагоне канатной дороги с горы Ай-Петри

Have made a transplant, we go further downwards.

43. средняя станция канатки на Ай-Петри

Again vineyards and a counter.

44. канатка на Ай-Петри

I liked to ride the cable car: you go high and look at interesting curiosities.

45. Ай-Петри канатка фото

If you go to the Crimea, be sure to take a ride on the cable car to Mount Ai-Petri. Very cool ride! Just choose sunny weather :)

46. вагончик канатка Ай-Петри

Both on! What retro stalls :)

47. ретро ларек газированная вода

We move to the village of Gaspra. In the restaurant "Elena" we will have lunch with a view of the Swallow's Nest.

48. обед с видом на Ласточкино гнездо

Our table in the restaurant.

49. стол в ресторане Елена Гаспра Крым

It is cozy here.

50. Крым Гаспра ресторан Елена обед

On the first, I ordered a lagman. Thick, rich and delicious!

51. лагман

Carry a second.

52. вынос шашлыка

I took a portion of pork shish kebab, although I almost ate the lagman.

53. шашлык в Крыму

Yes! We are very close to the Swallow's Nest. Perhaps you are used to seeing such pictures of Swallow's Nest.

54. Ласточкино гнездо

There are more photos of Swallow's Nest with a ship passing underneath.

55. Ласточкино гнездо и кораблик

The Swallow's Nest in the edging of foliage is popular.

56. фотография Ласточкино гнездо

But the reality looks a bit different :)

57. Ласточкино гнездо фотография

So passed the first half of the second day in the Crimea. After dinner, we went on an excursion to the children's health camp "Nakhimovets".

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Great! Looking forward your next day/article :)

@herverisson There will be two more days :) But there will be three posts. The final day in one post does not fit :)

Cool post. A lot of photos, did not regret)

Very vibrant report! I'm excited to see more photos~

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