Crimea: the fourth day of travel (part II)

in #travel7 years ago

This is a post-continuation. Start here.

"СР-26", "СР-939", "Stvor".

61. «СР-26», «СР-939», «Створ»

Stvor, CP-541, Cheleken.

62. «Створ», «СР-541», «Челекен»

"СР-26", "СР-939", "Stvor".

63. «СР-26», «СР-939», «Створ»

We pass to the eastern shore of South Bay. 418th Division of minesweepers. Naval minesweepers: Ivan Golubec (board number 911), Kovrovets (board number 913), Vice Admiral Zhukov (board number 909) and Turbinist (board number 912).

64. Морские тральщики

Sea minesweeper "Chernigov" of the Ukrainian Navy. The onboard number was U310.

65. Морской тральщик «Чернигов» ВМС Украины

The former submarine "S-49", now converted into a floating charging station (charges the batteries of ships).

66. Бывшая подводная лодка «С-49»

Naval minesweeper "Cherkassy" of the Ukrainian Navy. Former onboard number is U311. The torpedo boats "Kherson". Former onboard number is U891.

Upstairs Lazarevsky barracks. Now here is the Black Sea branch of the Moscow State University.

67. Морской тральщик «Черкассы» ВМС Украины

Submarine "B-435" (formerly Zaporozhye) of the Russian Navy, Cherkasy and Kherson.

68. Подводная лодка «Б-435» бывшая «Запорожье»

A 1984 groundwater ship built by the Gulf Stream with a floating dock.

69. «Гольфстрим» с плавучем доке

Southern bay of Sevastopol.

70. Южная бухта Севастополя

We approach the Sevastopol Marine Plant.

71. Подходим к Севастопольскому морскому заводу

Several berths stand at its berths. Fishing trawler "Zhukovsky" in 1958 built.

72. Рыболовный траулер Жуковский

Dry cargo ship "Orenburg" built in 1994.

73. Сухогруз Оренбург

Dry cargo of the river-sea class Arman-2 at the berth of the Sevastopol Marine Plant.

74. Сухогруз класса река-море Арман-2

The Pavlovsk Cape. One of the buildings of the naval hospital of the Black Sea Fleet is known, nicknamed "Admiral", where the weather station is also located.

75. Павловский мыс

In this building from 1916 to 1919 lived Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Admiral Alexander V. Kolchak.

76. В этом здании с 1916 по 1919 год жил Командующий Черноморский флотом адмирал Александр Васильевич Колчак

Mykolaivsky Cape. Built in 1933, the building of the water station "Dynamo", now - the water base of the Black Sea Fleet.

Not only excursion boats and pleasure boats run along the bays of Sevastopol. In Sevastopol there is a sea transport of passengers between different areas of the city. In the photo one of these "minibuses" got caught.

77. Николаевский мыс

We go along the Sevastopol bay. It is also called: Ktenus, Ktenunt, Inkermanskaya bay, Bolshaya bight, Big raid, Sevastopol raid, Main raid.

78. Ктенус, Ктенунт, Инкерманская бухта, Большая бухта, Большой рейд, Севастопольский рейд, Главный рейд

The coal pier. Here are the ships of the auxiliary fleet. Floating workshop "PM-56", sea transport of weapons "General Ryabikov" built in 1978. "General Ryabikov" is used to bring ammunition to ships located far from bases.

79. Угольная пристань

Floating workshop "PM-56".

80. Плавучая мастерская ПМ-56

Maritime transport of arms "VTR-94".

81. Морской транспорт вооружения ВТР-94

Military transport "Turgai", the average sea tanker "Iman".

82. Военный транспорт Тургай, средний морской танкер Иман

The marine tugboat MB-304, the rescue tugboat SB-36.

83. Морской буксир МБ-304, спасательное буксирное судно СБ-36

The average sea tanker is Koida. Carrying capacity: fuel oil - 2000 tons, diesel fuel - 800 tons, lubricating oils - 100 tons, fresh water - 300 tons, boiler water - 200 tons, dry cargoes - 100 tons. Crew: 74 people.

84. Средний морской танкер Койда

The marine tugboat MB-304. Crew: 36 people.

85. Морской буксир МБ-304

An unidentified boat. What's his name?

86. корабль в Севастопольской бухте

Rescue ship "Epron". It was built in 1947.

87. Спасательное судно Эпрон

Noses of ships.

88. носы кораблей

BDK "Yamal". Large amphibious ship of the project 775. Capacity: up to 500 tons of equipment and cargo, 225 paratroopers, tank hold length - 95 m, width - 4.5 m, height - 4.5 m. Crew: 98 people.

89. Большой десантный корабль Ямал

A rocket ship with an air cushion "Bora". Armament: 2x4 launchers of the Moskit PCR (8 3M80 missiles), 1x2 missile defense missile Osa-M (20 missiles), 1 76mm artillery AK-176, 2x6 30mm AK-630 gun mounts. Crew: 68 people. "Bora" can accelerate to 97 km/h.

90. Ракетный корабль на воздушной подушке Бора

"Epron", "Koida".

91. Эпрон, Койда

Floating docks.

92. Плавучие доки

Bay of Holland. Above, the photo shows the granary of the cargo terminal Avlita, and below the BZK Azov, the Kerch, the Slavutich.

93. БДК «Азов», БПК «Керчь», «Славутич»

Vessel of communication and fleet management of the Ukrainian Navy "Slavutich" - a ship converted by Ukrainian craftsmen from a fishing trawler.

94. Судно связи и управления флотом ВМС Украины Славутич

BCP "Kerch", "Slavutich".

95. БПК Керчь, Славутич

Large anti-submarine ship "Kerch". Number 713.

96. Большой противолодочный корабль Керчь

In December 2014, the stern engine room burned down on the ship. The further fate of the BCP "Kerch" is vague.

97. Большой противолодочный корабль Керчь

BOD Kerch. Board number 713.

98. БПК Керчь

Sentry missile ship "Ladny". Board number 801. Crew: 197 people.

99. Сторожевой ракетный корабль Ладный

СКР "Ladny".

0,1K. СКР Ладный

СКР "Ladny".

101. СКР Ладный

Large amphibious ship "Azov". Board number 151.

102. Большой десантный корабль Азов

BZK "Azov".

103. БДК Азов

BZK "Azov".

104. БДК Азов

In dry dock ferry "Novorossiysk".

105. В сухом доке паром Novorossiysk

Chicken pier. Dry cargo and liquid hybrid ships with a dry cargo hold in the hull of the ship and tanks for transportation of oil products along the sides: Nefterudovoz-12M and Nefterudovoz-11M.

106. Нефтерудовоз-12М, Нефтерудовоз-11М

The R-109 missile boat was built in 1990. The main missile system of the launch is 4 anti-ship missile launchers 3M-80 Moskit. After the launch, the rocket makes a "hill", and then drops to a flight altitude of about 20 meters, when approaching the target, it drops to 7 meters (above the crest of the waves). The missile can perform intensive anti-ship maneuvers with overloads exceeding 10 units. The flight speed of the rocket is 2.35 M (2804 km / h!). Due to the huge kinetic energy of the "Mosquito" penetrates the hull of any ship and explodes inside. Such a strike can sink not only a medium-class ship, but also a cruiser.

107. Ракетный катер Р-109

The rocket boat with the number 952 was involved in the operation to compel Georgia to peace in August 2008 as part of the Black Sea Fleet grouping.

108. Ракетный катер Р-109

RCA "R-109".

109. Севастополь ракетный катер Р-109

Raiding minesweeper "RT-278". Board number 219. Crew: 9 people.

110. Рейдовый тральщик РТ-278

Raiding minesweeper "RT-46". Flight number 201. Crew: 10 people.

111. Рейдовый тральщик РТ-46

The basic minesweeper "Mineral Waters". Board number 426. It is noteworthy that the case of Mineral Waters is made of wood and fiberglass. Crew: 39 people.

112. Базовый тральщик Минеральные воды

BSTU "Mineral Waters".

113. БТЩ Минеральные воды


114. рыбаки на лодке в Севастопольской бухте

Cape Kondrafos.

115. Мыс Кондрафос

Northern bay.

116. Северная бухта

Cape Cordon. Monument of Glory. The monument to the 2nd Guards Army, which liberated the northern side of Sevastopol on May 9, 1944.

117. Мыс Кордон, памятник Славы

Mikhailovskaya battery (Mikhailovsky Ravelin).

118. Михайловская батарея Михайловский равелин

The Mikhailovskaya battery was built in 1846 as one of 10 fortifications on the seaside of Sevastopol, named after the Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich, the son of Nicholas I. Currently, the National Naval Museum is located on the territory of the battery.

119. Михайловская батарея

Constantine battery. Until 2014, there was a functioning Russian military unit. Now this fortress is transferred to the Southern Branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

120. Константиновская батарея

By the way, the depth at the exit from the Sevastopol Bay is 20 meters.

121. глубина на выходе из Севастопольской бухты составляет 20 метров

Northern mall with a lighthouse.

122. Северный мол с маяком

Cape Crystal. Here Queen Catherine II bathed and praised the water, saying: "Water is pure crystal." So the name and stuck.

On Cape Khrustalnoy there is a 40-meter monument "Soldier and Sailor" - a sculptural composition in honor of the soldiers of the Second World War.

123. Мыс Хрустальный монумент Солдат и Матрос

Obelisk to the heroic city of Sevastopol. It is a stylized composition of bayonets and sails, symbolizing the military alliance of the army and navy during the Great Patriotic War.

124. Обелиск Городу-герою Севастополю

Cape Crystal.

125. Мыс Хрустальный

Trade and office complex.

126. Торгово-офисный комплекс на мысе Хрустальном в Севастополе

There used to be artillery warehouses here.

127. Раньше здесь находились артиллерийские склады

Artillery Bay of the city of Sevastopol.

128. Артиллерийская бухта города Севастополя

Our hotel BEST WESTERN "Sevastopol", where we spent three nights.

129. отель BEST WESTERN Севастополь

The Institute of Marine Biological Research named after AO Kovalevsky of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the aquarium, a memorable sign to the ships of the squadron (May 8, 1979, on the eve of the 35th anniversary of the liberation of Sevastopol on the retaining wall of the embankment of Primorsky Boulevard, a commemorative to the ships of the squadron was opened).

130. Институт морских биологических исследований имени А.О.Ковалевского РАН и аквариум

Monument to the Scuttled Ships.

131. Памятник затопленным кораблям

Raid service (turret). Here there are duty services responsible for the movement of ships and ships on the internal roadstead of Sevastopol. Previously, a machine gun was standing on the turret.

132. Рейдовая служба

Ends our walk along the bays of Sevastopol.

133. экскурсионный катер в Севастопольской бухте

But work does not end with sightseeing boats. Wishing to make a boat trip - more than enough.

And we go ashore and go to the children's health camp "Joy". After the camp we move to Simferopol and fly home to Moscow.

134. прогулочный катер в Севастопольской бухте

So my four-day trip to Crimea passed. Do I want to go to the Crimea again? Definitely - yes!

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@schamangerbert So, I published the final part of my four-day trip across the Crimea.
Now we will go by motor ships along the rivers of Russia :)

Cool! I am looking forward to go to Yakutia and follow the Lena up to Tiksi some day, my dream.

@schamangerbert Oh! Lena, Tiksi, Yakutsk, the Lena Pillars! My dream! :)

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