A Gypsy Moment ~ The Delightful Morning Market Adventure

in #travel7 years ago

One Of Many Sellers At The Morning Market

One of the first experiences that I had was going to the morning market. At the morning market everything is freshly picked and the fish is the catch of the day.  The food takes on a whole different dimension when it is really fresh. 

Tables and tables of fresh produce, that had been picked just this morning. Immediately I fell in love with this market in Hsinchu. 

This seller was selling the fresh caught fish her husband and uncles had caught that morning.  Many of these sellers have a little bit of English and of course I had my grandson with me as an interpreter.It was fun to engage these sellers in half English and half Chinese conversations. Several times, my grandsons, Elijah and John  had to bail me out. They took Chinese in school, so this was good practice. What a fun way to get to know the locals. 

The Butcher Shop had a lot of variety and yes, it was very fresh. 

One of our purchases was a Bitter Melon. Bitter melon,  also called bitter apple, bitter gourd and bitter cucumber, grows on a vine, like other melons and squashes. They can vary in color from a dark green to almost white and has a bitter taste. It is often served as a tea or in soups. They grow up to 12 inches long. Bitter melon has long been used in treating diabetics. 

Another purchase was my Dragon Fruit. By the time I left Taiwan, this had become my favorite. 

Last, but not least we bought a squash for my daughter-in-laws soup. That was what we were sent for. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful cook for a daughter-in-law.  So with the squash bought, it was time for a bowl of Beef Noodle Soup. 

Here the boys were sitting in this small informal eatery waiting for their noodles.  This was the only table, so you had to eat, clean up your place and let the next person do the same. 

Enjoying our soup together. The food in these places was really delicious and this was no exception. The soup had been made with the fresh produce and meats that they bought when they arrived in the morning. 

This was a seller of fresh produce. As we left the market, we stopped to visit with these two woman. The younger woman was eager to practice her English and the older woman had lots of questions. Our shopping trip was completed and we had eaten, so it was now time to wander back home. My first of many shopping trips in Taiwan.

  "Explore your World and soar like an eagle"

Enjoy life's simple moments,

Marla Silva @ floridagypsy  

 @ 2017 floridagypsy. All Rights Reserved.     


Never thought of visiting Taiwan until I read this post . They have probably sold fresh produce for generations and have become master gardeners. People are awesome.

I am glad that you enjoyed the post. Thank you @rt66neon.

Well written. I love Taiwan, it's a hidden gem.

I write about crypto, personal life, sports and life on my profile. Will soon start blogging about food, travel and my adventures in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Philippines. You might be interested, love <3

Thank you @ sunnyescapades. I followed you and will check out your blog. Sounds like we are writing about the same things. I mainly do travel, extreme sports, nature, food, life, culture, gardening, family life, and crypto will be coming soon.

That's amazing! Followed you. Much love

I use to live in Hong Kong so I know the flair of the markets. Nice post, thanks for sharing. Follow you now to see more.

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