Fantastic Hotel for Kids in Switzerland

in #travel7 years ago

I just returned from a weekend in the swiss mountains and wanted to share with you my impressions of a fantastic hotel.

After being sick over the christmas we decided to go with whole family into swiss mountains for a weekend. Whole family means my wife, me and our three sons (5,3,1). Our main criteria for an hotel is-
First priority: kids friendly with extensive kids entertainment.
Second: Luxus ambience for the parents.

We found the "Märchenhotel" in Braunwald, Switzerland. Never heared of it. What catched our interest was the amazing room with an own slide for the kids plus the great kids entertainment. So we booked the weekend without thinking too much (was short term anyway and we had not so many options).

From outside the hotel looked very "plain" but you have to consider that the building is already over 100 years old and it is in the middle of nowhere in the mountains.

But arriving in our room we were amazed by this fantastic view.

And the kids were just excited that they have there own slide in the room. Fantastic!

And on the roof top there was on outdoor whirlpool with the same stunning view. Amazing.

That is only topped by the pool with an outdoor area - swimming in warm water surrounded by snow and mountains. Great feeling.

So we had what we were looking for. The kids had fun and the parents had the ambience for relaxation. So if you have kids and like the snow this is a perfect way to spend crypto earnings!


so gut gemacht mein Schatz, ich kann alldem zu 100% zustimmen. War wunderschön wieder einmal etwas neues auszuprobieren, gel :)

Superb place.. so nice post!!

That looks awesome! I can imagine the kids liked the slide ;-)

Beautiful landscape on the pictures as well. That outside pool must have felt a bit surreal given the snow on the background :-)

Yes it was surreal - I felt like freezing seeing all the snow but no need to due to the warm water. I wouldn't want to pay for the heating bill though ;-)

Hahaha, I can imagine!

They must be having the time of their life , so damn beautiful

Hope you have fun sir...and thanks for sharing your post...have a nice day..

i heard about that hotel...but see it first time...its really cool mann...

Wow seems and awesome place its wonderful and kids will surely love it :D

Wow, upsolutely stunning :) Ten minutes ago I came back from skiing in Schladming, Austria - I would definitely trade my small shower against either your pool or your whirlpool over there ;)

I hope the food offered was great as well - But from my experience with such kind of hotels it probably was!

Austria has also very good hotels. One of the best kids hotels I know is "Dachsteinkönig" - just stunning.

To be honest the food wasn't the best here but it was alright. But I wouldn't come back for the food ;-)

You mean this one?

The first pics I saw was from their huge pool area - look stunning :D Probably a little expensive for now, but definitely awesome for the future! Plus it's at one of the best skiing areas!

Yes - that is the one. We really enjoyed the stay there. They have a main building and everything you need for kids is on the ground floor. That makes things easy.

Beside the main building you can also go for an separate "bungalow" - than you really have your privacy and not the standard hotel character.

Really highly recommended.

Checked some more picture - it look stunning - Recommending it to a closeby family, I don't have kids yet ;)

Have you been to Schladming yet? The skiing resort where the world championships of 2013 took place? Awesome skiing slopes + a lot of lifestyle and beautiful hotels! Obergurgl is also a place to remember for awesome holidays in the Alps!

From time to time I am publishing some videos,pictures and information from Austria's skiing resorts - Check them out if you are interested in winter holidays! Just posted about Hauser Kaibling + Schladming, Styria f.e.!

Checked your post. Great one - you really want to ski after reading.

Only have been to Dachsteinkönig and Amade (Robinson).
We wanted to go to Oberjoch some time (also a "Kinderhotel") but I will check out the areas you recommended. Thanks!

Thank you!

So you are looking for great family places right? I know a family which prefers the same quality of hotels and has 4 little kids - I will ask them what they can suggest, they go skiing every year! Will let you know!

Schladming works with the Ski Amade card btw, it belongs together, even though it is in Styria and not Salzburg!

Yeah that would be great - and btw we will have 4 kids in June :-) so your reference family just fits perfectly ;-)

Perfect vacation for family :)

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