Wonderful Wanderlust: 25 Indispensable Travel Tips 13-18

in #travel8 years ago

As we travel we have found domestic, and wild animals interacting with us along the way. Please keep in mind that these animals can carry illnesses or bacteria that you are not protected from. Some of the tips below expand on what preparations to consider in case things go wrong.

With these next few tips we advocate having some basic supplies on hand to make your life safer and more comfortable. Allot of the photographs relate to different food situation since that can make a new adventure traveler sick first. 

13. Always have tissues and anti-bacterial products on hand.

Toilet paper and napkins are rare in many countries. Stock up before you leave; most supermarkets carry small packets of tissues. Anti-bacterial hand cleanser or wipes are a must in many situations as well.

14. Bring Tylenol, Panadol, and prescription drugs.

We buy small quantities of Tylenol and Panadol in the USA before trips. However, we have acquired antibiotics all over South East Asia for use during excursions.

15. Always carry diarrhea medicine!

We have had to use local witch doctor remedies, and now we never forget this essential medicine. Diarrhea tablets are cheap and weightless. Bacteria and viruses vary from country to country, so foreigners are more susceptible to symptoms like diarrhea. Untreated diarrhea is more than a messy problem; it leads to dehydration and can be life threatening.

16. Restock your travel pharmacy while you travel.

If you run low on any essentials mentioned here (or elsewhere), get to a pharmacy and replenish your supplies. No one ever regretted having a fully stocked first aid kit, but plenty of travelers regret not having one.   

17. Understand and get certified in basic life-saving first aid.

Many basic life-saving first aid maneuvers, such as CPR, require little to no equipment. Take a Red Cross first aid class or carefully read a manual on first-aid basics; you might be glad you did. Make sure other members of your party are familiar with these basics as well.

Happy Travels,

ExploreTraveler Team

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Wonderful Wanderlust: 25 Indispensable Travel Tips 13-18

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