Travel Tips that could save your life!

in #travel8 years ago

A few years ago we started a small travel tips project that had what we considered 27 starter travel tips for the adventure traveler. This later turned into a really good audio book, and the print version was never 100% finished. So we will begin posting the project here for free so everyone on Steemit can enjoy and we hope learn from our lifetime of international travels. Here are the original tips that where written on a airplane late one night. We will post the expanded explanations later this week, and then individual chapters of the EBook.

1. Never pass up a good toilet because the next one may be a squat only.

2. Always get cash after customs at your destination airport. Euros and USD May be an exception. Don't risk breaking local custom regulations.

3. Always carry diarrhea medicine.

4. Always look up three words before you travel thank you, yes and no.

5. Always have tissues packages on hand for bathroom and eating use.

6. Certain medicine needs to be considered. Tylenol, Panadol and any needed prescription drugs.

7. Learn and study body language. Most expressions are international.

8. Use modern technology like twitter to keep you updated on certain travel areas. US Department of State and the CDC have an alert service.

9. Water usage should be increased to offset times when good clean water is not available.

10. Learn some basics in English, German, Mandarin, and Russian, these languages can sometimes be used in emergencies, and are also bridge languages. 

11. Study basic history of a region before going there.

12. Learn taboos of the area you are traveling. Remember it is their country not yours.

13. Don't assume the water is clean to drink just because locals drink it. They have built up immunities you don't have.

14. Traveling causes the body to loose sleep. This in will lower you immune system so make sure to schedule recovery time.

15. Make sure to schedule time to re-stock your travel pharmacy on the road.

16. Zip lock bags can solve allot of problems take several.

17. Understand and get certified in basic life saving first aid.

18. Use large back packs to travel that way you can never have to check in your bag. This will ensure you always have what you need when you need it.

19. Don't take basic hygiene for granted ensure you have it planned for and have what you need to stay healthy.

20. When traveling in crowed unorganized cities try to memorize key locations or land marks. These can be used to find your way later when needed.

21. Always look and find locals who have language skills that you can use to help gather information that is key to your trip. Young people know some English and older people could know others languages. People and questions are your best resource for information.

22. Don't assume your cellphone will work. Print out what you need ahead of time.

23. Carry old fashion maps.

24. Get a cellphone app that can translate languages. Make sure it can work without wifi or cellphone service.

25. Buy digital offline mapping software for your mobile phone or other device.

26. Consider GPS

27. You are only as good as your weakest link. So consider others in your travel party and ensure they stay healthy or you could pay the price later on.

Happy Travels,

ExploreTraveler Team

Travel Tips that could save your life

© 2016 ExploreTraveler. All Rights Reserved.


Very informative. I always carry a whistle and alcohol wipes.

Thanks we will start posting the second phase of this project tomorrow.

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