Courtyard spaces–9

in #travel5 years ago

Many of us kept a diary in childhood. I still diarize. It all started with the fact that I wanted to record some interesting, funny events from my life, to tell myself about adventures, but so that my parents would not know about it. Hiding the diary was not an option - sooner or later they could find it, and if you hid it very far, then I did not want to bother. I came up with a cipher. Of course I won’t tell you that! At first, there was nothing complicated, but it was already impossible to read with a cursory glance what was written in the diary.

All entries were like tweets. There are a lot of similarities with the posts on social networks, which weren’t even discussed at that time. Bright and reckless events in life became less and less and the number of records decreased every year. Once I decided to summarize a whole year, I decided to break it down into small segments of time or stages in life. One segment took about a month and a half. And I briefly described each such segment with words or phrases (a journey through abandoned villages, a rainy autumn, a cold, bitcoin dump, a trip to Vologda, a child went to kindergarten, the first snow, etc.). This is now called tags. But not so simple. It turned into a whole table with tags in one column, with music that I was listening at that time in another column. Instead of individual entries, everything was reduced to this form diarizing.

Associations. I have been with them for over 19 years! I even made a map. All this is difficult to understand. Now thoughts are emerging in my head how to translate this diary into digital format, how to keep it, supplementing with photographs and real music. Do not offer social networks!

...Yeah, how far the topics from photos in the post have become.

These courtyards are associated with my childhood. When my dog ​​ran away from home to the bitch-dog, I found him in this yard.

And not long ago we were offered to rent an apartment here, but we did not agree on the price.

All this is personal and not interesting to other readers.

About the cipher: over the years it has improved, I use it to write and read at the same speed as in my native language. There are two versions: simplified and hard. The hard version of a cipher is like two-factor authentication - a simplified cipher is encrypted using another cipher. Without knowing the first, you cannot read the second. It would be better if I taught lessons at school...

My brain told me "goodbye" back in ninth grade.

Therefore, I have to live with a special awareness and perception of the world, which is far from normal.

Back in the early 2000s, when I was photographing on color film, even then I was trying to evade the classical landscape. There were makings of graphics, abstraction. Then no one understood this at all, and now it is full of all the absurdities in photography, which will be worse than mine.

Speaking of photos in this post. This is the Borki microdistrict, which is located in a swampy area next to pine forest. More precisely, this boron was cut down for the construction of houses. When I was in school, there was just a forest.

Now the forest has become a little less.

Nice place, I would live here!

Until new crazy thoughts! Bye!


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Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
- Ryunosuke Satoro.

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I found it quite interesting that you ciphered your diary, very smart, but makes me wonder what kind of secrets you had.

I view my own photography as a diary, and it is not something just anyone can cipher, just like the associations you mentioned, it's not something other people will know about.

Wonderful photos as always!

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