Traveling Girl Enters A Steemit World

in #travel7 years ago

My name is Erin Grover and I'm a modern nomad who has been blessed to travel the world as a photographer, writer and filmmaker for most of my adult life. I lost track after 22 countries :-) I'm looking forward to sharing my journeys to places where most people don't get to see outside of their web browser. Thanks for the welcome! The camel photobomb below is from one of my favorite trips to the Moroccan Sahara.

Favorite Adventures: Indonesia, Afghanistan, Morocco, Nepal, Ireland, Turkey.



Nice earnings on your post here. Welcome and spread the word to all your connects so we can grow this platform and all become wealthy and retire to travel the world like you.

Working on it ;-)

Welcome to Steemit! I look forward to your posts of your adventures! They sound

Thank you! Lots to share!

Welcome to steemit

Welcome here and in morocco too

Calling @originalworks :)
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Welcome to Steemit!. I look forward to read about your adventures and hope you never stop having adventures<3

Thank you! There's a new adventure everyday ;-)

Hi, @ering! Welcome to Steemit! This is a great platform for you to let us see your art and take us to different parts of the world with your art. All the best!

Thank you! This place gives me happy vibes - in an old school chat room kind of way ;-)

Hahahaha! You are right! The whole Steemit community is waiting to hear and see your journey. :) God bless you, @ering. :)

Wow! What incredible adventures.

Thanks. Looking forward to sharing more soon. Always a new adventure :-)

Welcome to Steemit @ering . I know you will have a lot of success with your posts. Best of luck. You have my upvote and follow.
Regards fromm México

Thank you for the welcome!

I have a feeling you're going to love it here. Upvoted. I'll set out the welcome mat for you:


Thank you!

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