America + Canon = Photostory to share (part 1 - Philadelphia)

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

This summer I had the opportunity to travel across the USA for a month, with a group of my friends. As you can imagine, 30 days in the states can bring you a lot of adventure, experiences, mesmerizing moments and breathtaking views. Whether we ended up in a city or somewhere in the nature we were fascinated with everything that surrounded us. Somewhere at the same time I got myself a new DSLR camera which probably made me one of the happiest people in the world at that time. When my journey was finished, I kind of wanted to share the whole experience somewhere. Since I'm not much of a writer, I thought I could share my story through my photos and videos I created along the way. I assume you understand now where the title of this post came from.

I'm just an amateur, but I'm passionate amateur and I think this is enough for the beginning. So, let's travel!

First stop was Philadelphia. I don't know about you, but when someone says Philly first thing that comes to my mind is Fresh Prince from Bel Air and of course Rocky. One day in Philly showed me that it's much more than that.

First thing we visited was Elfreth's Alley, also known as America's oldest residential street, dating to 1702. It consists from 32 buildings/houses and it makes a really nice place to walk and chill. Since it is situated in the Old City of Philadelphia it has some nice vintage vibe which makes it enjoyable to be there.

Next part was my favorite part in Philadelphia – Love park. You all know the Love sculpture sign? Well, combine that with a street full of fountains, kids cheerfully playing among the waterfalls, people sitting all around the park drinking coffee and talking with their loved ones while the afternoon sun warms them up. I call that a magic moment.

When you continue walking the street towards the Rocky statue and stairs you find a long road full of lovely green parts of the city – parks, fountains, flowers...

Finally, after a pleasurable but really, really long walk you come to the famous Rocky stairs, just to find out that they're having a festival the next weekend and basically everything is under construction (when you're in Philly just for one day, that can be a problem). Regardless of that, we've found a way to bypass all the workers and security and we climbed the stairs (more exactly, part of them). The view wasn't spectacular as we imagined it, but we didn't let anything spoil our mood. We were happy just because we were there, next to the famous Rocky statute.

The next step in our visit was Eastern State Penitentiary, an American prison, which is considered to be the world's first true penitentiary. Reason for that is its revolutionary system of incarceration which encouraged separate confinement. If you ever find yourself in this city, make sure to visit the ESP. You'll be shocked and fascinated at the same time. Plus you get to see the Al Capone's prison cell. I believe you'll recognize it on the photos.

Finally, we reached our last stop. Maybe a perfect one for the end: One Liberty Observation Deck - Philly From The Top. Is there a better way to see the whole city than seeing it from the air? Especially when this is also the first time in your life seeing the skyscrapers. The view was simply captivating and I wanted to stay there for hours. There is something about the view points. I believe it's the way the city introduces to you. It's the way the two of you meet. Only this time, we said goodbye.

And one more for the very end. My favorite. Until the next part.


Great travel photos! I remember when I got my first DSLR, I was shooting during lunch breaks at work :)

What a fun road trip. You took some nice photos and shared a wonderful story. You did a great job of describing where you'd been and what the photos were. Thanks!

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