
Thank you for the comment @emma-anna!
I just have no words to describe Patagonia. It's gigantic, everything is far away and the wind is very strong! I'll for sure go back there soon.

I haven't tried much of the local food besides tons of pasta with tuna, rice with tuna, tuna with tuna hahaha (backpacker's favourite recipe). Since my budget was really low the only local food I've tried was the ones offered by locals I've met, I found it to be very good.

What parts have they visited?

Haha tuna is always a good idea though!! As well as befriending the local people. Best way of learning more about a country :)

My parents visited Puerto Varas, fell in love with Patagonia like you did, went to Chiloe island and Castro, and flew to Punta Arenas. They constantly sent pictures posing with penguins.

That's really cooool, I feel sad that they flew from Chiloé directly to Punta Arenas. In the middle there's the Carretera Austral, one of the most beautiful roads in the world.

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