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RE: Travels With Connie #84 Bringing it Home

in #travel6 years ago

Okay but where’s the DV pics? Hahaa when was this trip? Sounds like fun nevertheless and why does your writing always make me want to ask more questions Hahahahah anyhoo mDs is so bad for you stop just stop ... dehydration and MDCds is a certain salted end. Nice to be along for the ride.


DV has pictures of him self on his site. I respect individuals right to privacy. As it happens, I also met Mrs. DV and just never mentioned it. I'm funny that way.

Different deal at a 'gathering' I think more pictures is a good thing.

I usually stop at Las Vegas when I leave Yuma in the summer. It's about 5 hours from here. I leave early in the morning and avoid as much heat as I can. I do the same the next day and then am out of the brutal heat into ordinary heat...

I hear ya burn DV usually posts his meetings as do most. Nice to see your ‘spect! Yeah I’ve met her in discord and seen her meetup pics too hahaha
Heat Is baaadddd I am
Prone to heat stroke so no Bueno

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