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RE: 15 Ways to Leave the Country if Donald Trump Gets Elected

in #travel8 years ago

If you're afraid of Trump being elected you should be afraid of Hillary more. At this point Trump is an asshole and all WORDS. Hillary has corruption and ACTIONS while in office and going all the way back to Watergate and 1974. So if you are preparing to leave based upon Trump's WORDS since politicians almost never actually DO what their WORDS are, then I'd say go ahead and book your ticket because we know Hillary is going to be bad. We have no clues about Trump really other than he will frequently put his foot in his mouth. Most of what people are afraid of about him isn't even a presidential power.

Though you do have alternatives. Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party, or Jill Stein of the Green Party, or not voting. You truly only waste your vote when you vote for someone who doesn't represent you. :)


that is true they are just the same
the only differently just because one man and one woman
and I do not know how Bernie Sanders can be lost from cllinton ( i'm not bernie Supporters )

Because it was rigged. Hillary was chosen before any of the process began. I knew it, and had been following it. I saw them pull some shady stuff against Bernie.

I am not a Bernie supporter either. I'd take him or a random woman picked off the street before Hillary. I don't actually consider Trump as bad as Hillary, like I said he is all words. In my research I think Hillary may be the most corrupt candidate we've ever had in U.S. history and I don't say that lightly. Perjury, things that should have had her disbarred, removal of evidence, likely drug dealing, conning elder people out of their homes, murder, taking huge campaign contributions from outside of the country, vote tampering, EMAIL SCANDAL THAT IS IN THE NEWS (actually kind of small compared to some other stuff she has done). If you don't like the corruption in the government.... Hillary is neck deep in all of it with her slimy tentacles going off in all directions.

I don't believe in voting for the lesser of two evils. I do believe Trump is a demon to Hillary being the Devil. She stomps his ass into the ground when it comes to corruption. Virtually everything he has done (including Trump U) Hillary has had similar investments. It's actually crazy. She should be in jail many times over. Definitely should not be eligible to be president.

She actually has me concerned. Trump is an unknown to me. So far all he is is STUPID WORDS. Not actions. And WORDS are meaningless in elections. That means I truly have no clue how he would do. I do know he'd say a lot of stupid things. :)

I do think there are far better candidates in Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. People will say they are unelectable. Once people start doing their job and voting for a representative that best represents them instead of a TEAM then this whole "unelectable" thing will go away. That is our job. Vote for a representative for US, not for a team. You're an individual. Who best represents your ideals, and desires for the nation? Regardless of who wins that is whom we should always be voting for. A representative. We do have a representative form of government (Republic) which only works if you're actually electing representatives. They've got it rigged so people think we must pick team A or team B. That is not representative.

yeah this is election , but not many are interested of the two candidates because they are all the same
I think this time I would not pick anyone not least when they create problems on I did not feel guilty
what about you ?

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