Spokane, WA -> St. Paul, MN -> Nashville, TN! ColorChallenge - Tuesday Orange!

in #travel7 years ago

How was your day?

Ours was very busy, mainly because we've been traveling all day. Myself, @alovelymess, and @fullofhope left Spokane around 1:30pm and will be in Nashville around 10:30pm. Actually, we are on our last flight as I type this. This may be one of the smallest planes we I have ever flown on. Luckily the travels have been smooth so far going through the ridiculous TSA crap. Although when we got to our gate, the one beside us had an EMS, several Delta workers, a stretcher, and a cop all dressed up with an AR around his neck chillin' and talking. Not sure what was going on there...

We are super excited to be in Tennessee again! We are here for a family member's wedding, but we're also happy we get to eat at our favorite places and see our favorite stores/sites. We have a couple of places planned, but we also want to venture a couple of hours into Eastern Tennessee to check out Burgess Falls. We wanted to visit this last time, but we never got the chance to go. This time we will!

I'm also kind of happy I can use "y'all" again without getting a funny look. Oh! I can order sweet tea without being told I have to sweeten it myself...oops, off track. In addition to all of this, we are helping some other family members pack to make the long move from here to the Northwest. We're super excited about this as well. This year has already been absolutely crazy, and we've already made two major trips. The first being Seattle, now Nashville. Where will we go next??

This was taken on today's flight from Spokane to Minnesota. It was gorgeous! We were able to watch the whole sunset as we were landing. Enjoy!


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Wow, what an amazing shot!
The PNW is where it's at. Cool to see a fellow Washingtonian on steemit.
Funny thing my Forman from work is in Nashville right now too. Weird!?!?
Safe travels

Where are you from in Washington? I am actually a few minutes outside of Washington in ID. Thats hilarious! Small world. Thank you!

The place so nice they named it twice…

Walla Walla

Very cool. Haven't been there yet. We're about 3 hours North East.

It's small town at the base of the Blue Mountains. If your into wine, there is about a billion wineries and tasting rooms.

That sounds fun. Maybe we will make the drive down sometime.

Cool pic! Glad you made it ok! Have a great trip!

Thank you, we are!

and a cop all dressed up with an AR around his neck

We should ban guns!

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