Cruuuuuuisin' - Gluten freek style?

in #travel7 years ago

Hi, my name is dreemsteem, and I'm a gluten freek.


The first time I went on a cruise after being gluten free, I broke all the rules.   

It was VACATION.   I wasn't going on a cruise to deny myself! 

Gluten sensitivity/allergy is really not something to be ignored.   And so... I paid the price. 

Since then, I've become a very conscientious person when it comes to gluten.  (When I say gluten, I don't mean all gluten.  People with gluten sensitivity need to steer clear of the gluten in wheat, barley, and rye. )  I normally check labels, and ask waiters – but this past week I made a mistake.

I went to a restaurant that served ginger chicken.  In the past, I've noticed that this restaurant used soy sauce made without adding wheat.  (Most soy sauces have wheat – which is very annoying, because it's SOY sauce)

When they brought my meal out, I noticed it had a brown sauce – which usually means soy.

I thought to myself, “Self, it's ok! Last time they didn't have wheat in the soy sauce, remember??” So I ate it.

That was last Monday.  It is now the following Tuesday.  I have had a migraine for 6 of the last 8 days.

Gluten sensitivity/allergy is REALLY not something to be ignored. 

In 18 days, we will be on a cruise ship once again. (woooo hooooo!)
This time – we will stay away from all gluten. (booooo hooooo!)

I will never forget you, my friend.


I have to admit that this was a really hard thing for me to accept at first.  When you go on vacation, it's a time to let loose!  No one wants to think about restrictions!  They have pizza available 24 hours of the day!!!!! 

But life isn't about surrendering to your every desire.  Sometimes, wisdom dictates restraint.
(and sometimes, I hate being a grown-up.)

About 2 months ago, my perspective began to change.  We live in a time where a LOT of people have gluten issues, so there are a growing number of alternatives! Annnnnnnd...are you ready for this???

The ship has gluten free pizza, available 24 hours a day.

oh yeah. I am so down.


As soon as we get settled into our room, we need to meet with the dining staff and let them know of our restrictions.  And unexplainably - I'm a little bit excited to see what they have in store for us!  I'm going to try to document as much as I can for anyone else considering going on a cruise with gluten restrictions!!  'cuz we gotta look out for one another.   



All i am going to say is roll on the post cruise detox!!

And while you’re at it enjoy the cruise your sauna will be waiting ;)

i'm going to eat GF pizza 17 times a day. I think this is a good, healthy plan! hehehehe

when i come home - i'm going to do 2 back to back 26-day detoxes. extra coffee!!!!

Don’t forget the colonic irrigation

there is a fire hydrant outside... will that work? LOL oh my gosh - i just got the giggles... the image of someone shooting across the street... hahahaha

Gluten freek! What an excellent term! I'm pinching that.

I went through that denial thing a few times too in the early days. A birthday at my family where everything has gluten? Oh it will be alright, just this once. Nuh huh. After 4 days of not being to move far from the bathroom door, I won't do that again. Till the next time I forget...

The good news though is that after two decades of working on my gut health, I can get away with a little bit occasionally. But I don't push it.

We have friends coming up this weekend, and for one lunch we are going to have tuna fish sandwiches, chips, pickles, etc. I grabbed a loaf of bread for them, and I almost died. Lololol it's so sooooooft! My kids came over to the cart (it was potato bread so they thought oooh! For us??? Not realizing that it's filled with wheat flour AND potato flakes lol)
I felt so bad because when I said no... They were like awwwwwwww, but it's so soft! 😂😂😂😂
I hope that in my lifetime they come up with a solution for us! I do mix that lovely chewy texture! Hehehe

sometimes, I hate being a grown-up

I suffer from this "itis" too :)

How did you find out you had a gluten allergy? Were you tested or did you do an elimination diet on your own?

We actually did it as a family because it was easier to make one meal, rather than 2. Lol
Plus we didn't want to make it hard for our son (who we were really doing it for) when we are all chowing down bagels, pizza, rolls, etc.
We did it for 8 months just to see... The difference was a slow one. I did notice the fewer migraines, but honestly didn't connect the dots.

When we were gluten gluttons on the cruise.... Lol I felt the difference IMMEDIATELY.

I got a rash, migraines came back, brain fog, felt kinda sick-ish, always felt "heavy" after every meal. We even noticed major differences in attitudes. Everyone was just edgier on gluten. Snappy, irritable.
Went back off... Symptoms faded.

Slipped (someone served us breaded chicken. We knew it was breaded but they knew we were gluten free so we assumed it was GF breading lol)
It wasn't as bad as the gluten cruise lol but migraines came back... Rash..

So my functional medicine doctor said... We can give you the $1300 test if you want.... But I think you know you have gluten issues.

Which I did.

That was a long way to say " we did a multi-stage elimination diet" hahahaha

It's been a little over three years now ... But as time goes on, the GF options really do get better and better!!! You just have to know which brands are GREAT (and which are disgusting). 😂

When we first went gluten free, more than 20 years ago, there was very little. And my first attempt at GF baking, with millet, was inedible. Soooo much easier now.

I can't even imagine!!! We attempted 10 years ago and threw in the towel before even giving it a real chance!! It was cardboard, cardboard, smoosh, and cardboard!
Now it's actually do-able! And sometimes, (dare I say???) even better than the gluten option 😱

In a nutshell, non GMO, organic, pesticide and gluten free of course. I'm not a huge bread eater or pasta eater anyway. The bread I do eat is sprout flour - Ezekiel bread. I know there is gluten in a ton of things too - like soya sauce and ketchup someone said.

You know what wrecks my head the most? Sugar. Yet, I 'm addicted to it....I was seriously going to go to AA to get off of it. geez. I did it before so I'll do it again.

Bed time.......zzzzzzz

my post for tonight (that you'll have to read tomorrow) is something that I never saw myself being addicted to.

but. ohhhhhhhhhhhh how i was. and it ended up being WORSE than my sugar addiction.

sweet dreEms, friend :)

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