Going On A Surprise Vacation

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Would you ever pay for a vacation first without knowing where you were traveling to?

It's apparently an appealing travel idea to a growing number of people. Many businesses have popped-up in this space and started catering to the travel market with this unique surprise journey niche.

There are travel options like Pack Up + Go, the Lufthansa surprise, Magical Mystery Tours, and others.

Travelers have been open to the idea of booking without knowing where they are going until only a short time before, though they can offer some interests that would indicate the sort of adventure that they would like to take.

As well, they can mention preferences when it comes to their budget, the dates that they are able to travel, diet restrictions that they might have, countries that they would definitely not want to visit, and so on.

Another option for surprise travel is the new start-up Anywhr from Singapore, offering travelers a chance to book surprise vacations; finding out their destination only a few days before their trip.

The service just launched this year and they have set out to create unique holiday adventures for travelers by sending them on a trip that perhaps they might not have thought to take had they taken that initiative to plan it for themselves.

With the service that Anywhr provides, the travelers book their vacation and within a few days of the departure they receive an email that has more details about what they should pack, when to be at the airport etc.

They will also receive a customized travel package that has accommodation information, along with some currency from the country they will be traveling to. It's got everything that they need to get started on their surprise adventure.

Aside from the novelty of taking a surprise vacation, psychologists have also suggested that there could be a few benefits reaped from the surprise travel trend. Many people today experience a lot of stress from their jobs and fatigue etc in their lives, and allowing someone else to take care of the travel preparations is a quick start to the relaxation portion of the vacation.

Also, testing your limits in a new way by engaging in a surprise experience on a journey that you might not have thought to take, and experiencing a new environment, could do the brain some good.

Psychologists suggest that when the brain is challenged in new ways, to either adapt or problem solve, and exposed to new environments, that it is an opportunity to form new neural pathways.

There are now a growing number of travel agencies that are looking to provide this sort of surprise travel experience to their clients.

And they have got something in the surprise travel space for every different budget, whether you want to spend a few hundred dollars or a few thousand dollars. Considering that today many people are concerned about convenience, it's no wonder that they would find this travel option appealing, as it makes the experience of booking the tickets and hotels etc much easier--someone else does it for them.

Since many people have already demonstrated that they are willing to go on a surprise vacation, we can expect that a growing number of travel agencies will be adding this sort of surprise option for their clients to choose so that they can compete with those who've sprung up in that niche space. You can already find travel companies all around the world that are offering these sorts of surprise travel experiences.

via Clipartpanda
via Clipartpanda


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Sorry bit confuse. Is it anywhy or anywhr?

OK, did a search. it's anywhr so anywhy is the typo. :-)

yes didn't see that thx for helping me notice lol :)

you're welcome

I've never heard of such a realization of vacation, this is a very curious idea. Even reading this post evokes the spirit of adventure. I can't imagine how I'd feel after paying for such tour.

Or at least buy a one way ticket and make no plans when you arrive. Just wander and leave when you want!

It makes sense. A type A personality who is tired of decision making would acclimate to this type of adventure. They are in management and are panther like in personality. You can find them in both sexes. Also those who do enjoy risk and are more daring would also enjoy this. It is a great twist to make something old new again and a good marketing ploy. Thanks for sharing my friend.

Vacation are fun times have fun sir

I would have considered this when I was younger but now I like to know every detail of my booking.

Interesting one !

Have a nice trip. hope you are healthy always.

Good luck dear @doitvoluntarily, waoo surprise travel, have a safe journey my best wishes for you. keep it up.

have a nice trip @doitvoluntarily..... good writing and love to read your story. great photographer.

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