Philanthropy is Not Dirty but True Charity Can Only Ever be 'Anonymous'

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing

No, I’m not talking about masturbation, but you are free to think that it applies the same. Actually, it’s more about the norm nowadays here on steemit ‘I donated this $$$$ to this person...’ etc. It became viral that it probably inspired the others to do the same. Good for them, but who knows? I know that I’m a very opinionated person in real life, despite my image of being kinda sweet (But really I am!). But whenever I woke up to a feed seeing another promotion of how they have helped another by giving $$$$, it just makes me cringe. I’m not jealous not to be the receiver nor that I’m the giver. I just never stop questioning things, it’s probably due to my mistrust of the ‘crowd’.

Good for those who are doing and believing it. But don't fall into the trap and become another one of those brainwashed by the media you are trying to escape from...that now is also here.

I am helping the others my own way. Perhaps, I am just unseen… Do I want to be seen doing it? No. I don’t want to be a hypocrite and say I travel around the world to help people, and I will write about how I helped people along the way. I actually did help people during my travel. But it’s more about making myself feel good. So those things that I did are not really promoted as helping the others. It's more for my own self-fulfilment.


Because there are a lot of things to be changed in me first and foremost. I myself is struggling with just getting by. I’m not a self-proclaimed spiritual being, not an author, not a world traveler, nothing. I take pleasure in improving myself and doing things for myself, and am I proud of that? Yes. Selfish? Yes, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s actually the good kind of selfishness. And if people feel inspired and benefit from my experiences at the same time, then I’d be happier that I’m helping other people as well.

You may tell me @diabolika it’s better to shut up when you’re not doing anything, these guys are doing something. At least, that's how they portrayed themselves. First of all, I’ve helped some people as I stayed in less privileged areas of the world during my travel. Though not by monetary means, because I myself was traveling with very less money. I am usually the one receiving help, unfortunately. But it’s not only about how much money you can give to people. I actually provided help more through intangible ways. The only thing I can do is provide some inspiration to those who are trying to get out of their own difficulties, or to those who want to make a big change in their lives.

I am focused on giving myself more money at the moment, that I can't deny, that I will promote, and that I deserve.

Because there’s an issue of an even greater one, a world in which there are some people with 20m to spare and others who don't even have $20 to spare....

This is where the 'charity will take care of everything' idea falls down because glamor projects will always attract more funding. Unfortunately, all philanthropy involves self-promotion, whether you believe it or not.

You cannot stop the altruistic steemians achieving a status because of the spare money they can give. But know the difference between swimming in this reflected glory that shines without a price, and being singled out in a flood of light, which is what the granting of naming rights does. Know when you need to 'clap' for these people. Though they have the freedom to profit from philanthropy, promotion disguised as altruism can sometimes produce toxic results in the end.

Now, should you feel inspired about what you read about how people are donating money to the others? Yes, definitely! When written with self-awareness, a steemit content that relates to altruism and philanthropy can inspire, delight, and make a change.

However, don’t forget as well that most of the time, it’s always about the donor, the recipient is largely irrelevant. But don’t stop questioning things. Is the person really just interested in philanthropy as he/she is trying to promote, or just boosting his/her own reputation? Equally, you should never stop questioning people who are trying to take the "moral high ground".


I rememeber very very dark that I have read somewhere that there is no such thing as real selflessness.
Everyone still has his thirve why we do what we do, despite how noble it looks from the outside.
It can be regret, pride or the need of attention but we still have our motives we want to satisfy.

I definitely agree with you @flipstar, we rarely do anything with a single motive.

Hello ! Nice girl/ nice blog ))) good luck !

I think differently. In a world that's heart-wrenchingly greedy, it's great to shout about those good things that you've done, because it inspires others to do the same.

If no-one talked about their good deeds then we'd all think the world was shite. I LOVE reading good will stories :)

Well, I also pointed out that it is ok, as long it was made with self-awareness, and with a pure objective, that is to INSPIRE. And not just to boost reputation or gain more steem. Which is quite obvious most of the time.

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