I Travel But Still a Prisoner of the System - Freedom vs Control

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Che Guevara’s early travels inspired me to travel in Latin America, only I did by thumbing. His travel was both political and personal. My mine was more personal, but I couldn’t help but rant about the things I’ve witnessed and about the people I’ve met along the way. And in the end, I became a traveling rebel with a cause. Che is a privileged Argentinean who had seen the social injustice and the misery along the way. I was just a poor traveler who witnessed the same and a victim at the same time. And through my own experiences, I’ve learned how the system favored the major tribes of this world.


This is not a hate post, it’s just today the mood is - rage. Rage against the system that perpetuates misery and inequality. Rage against people who are united by silence. Rage against everything. You can plot of all my posts on a chart and you’ll probably see the varying degree of emotional intensity. I admit that my writings could be as unpredictable as the weather, but I guess that’s my art.

And so I attempted to travel as free as I can and realized I’m still not. I remembered how I tried to break free from the enslavement to the corporation, debt, taxes, corrupt government and the overall fucked up system to pursue my dreams of traveling. Everyone is aware of what is happening around, but what angers me of the majority of people here in my world is that if I say something, I would be labeled as a communist, nationalist, activist, whiny bitch, insane, psycho etc. Fuck the labels I say! Perhaps, I come off here as the typical “sweet traveler”, because if you are attempting to see the over-glorification of my travels here, I’m sorry but you won’t. Leave that to Facebook, and to the popular travel bloggers. I say the truth, the behind the scenes, the good and the bad of my travel experiences with all honesty. Through my posts, you’ll feel how to travel as ‘me’. I’m not trying hard not to be part of the mainstream because it’s really just that I’m not part of anything since the beginning, and I guess I will never be.


I remembered the immigration officer of my own country looking at my passport, seeing all the stamps and how I traveled longer in some countries, she asked me “Why are you going to Russia this time?”. I told her that my (ex)boyfriend is there. She doubted it, and she didn’t allow me to go until I proved that I really have a boyfriend. I proved it of course, but that resulted in cancellation and rebooking of my flight and wasting $$$. And this happened to a poor traveler.

Sometimes I am torn between freedom and control. I am not someone who hardens her beliefs into dogmas because isn’t that the reason why everyone’s divided?

Divided by beliefs and by the arbitrary lines we are....


I am still ignorant about a lot of things and wrong about many people, and that’s why I travel. I travel to learn as much as I can from my own experiences.

Who doesn’t want to travel freely? A Borderless world. It’s a dream for me considering that I have the shittiest passport in the world. That I have to go through all this fucking bureaucratic process just to break free. But at the same time, I hear the sentiments of those people with regard to the influx of immigrants, and the ‘use and abuse’ mentality of some who are trying to take advantage and benefit from the system they didn’t work hard for to establish. In the end, who’s the victim of control? The minority travelers who really just want to travel and see the world.

Oh no, don’t hate me for breaking the rules or for going through the barbed wires or for climbing those walls. I just want to see the reason why this world is big. I believe I have the right to benefit from the beauty of the earth, its nature, the landscape, the extraordinary places created by the early civilization. Let me be amazed, let me live and love where you are from. And no, don’t worry, as I won’t stay. I won’t steal your jobs you tried so hard to protect, I’m not going to be a part of another BS system of yours. Thanks but no thanks. I’m not gonna take away anything from you because,

The world is my home and I belong everywhere and nowhere.


I was in Colombia hanging out with a friend from France. As I was scrambling between working while traveling at the time, he bragged about how much he was getting from the government as a jobless French and how he could travel to cheaper countries with that money. I was just like ok, why did I need to hear this in this time that I couldn’t even afford an accommodation anymore? Does he want me to marry him or just make me feel bitter overall? Anyway, I told him then good for you, good for you that you could benefit from those people back in your country who are working hard to pay the taxes so you can travel. Good for you that you don’t need to work hard anymore, but just cheat the system for the luxury of travel. So good for you that you can travel as a way of escape of the white privilege. To each his own, he could do whatever he wanted actually. But I do not need to feel bad. So you see, I’m just a minnow in the traveling world, I traveled among the whales, the dolphins, and the Great White sharks. This alone is a slap on my face and should be enough emphasization for me to feel bitterness. So please, spare me the BS.



The same friend, actually I don’t know if I’m still going to call him as a friend at this point with our different beliefs and ways of travel. He is nice and all, but his BS way of life and him emphasizing his privileges to me just put me off. After my travel and now with steemit, I have actually stayed inactive on FB just so I won’t be contacted or visited here in my country, by some people like this one.

While I go through the hardships of earning money in order to travel, he told me how he went to California to cut weeds in the Marijuana farms, earning $$$ within 3 months in the process. Ok so why did I need to hear another glorious story like this? Anyway, I told him again then good for you, good for you that you are proud being able to use your French passport to enter US and be able to illegally work there, so you can fund your around-the-world travel, while your Mexican brothers are trying hard to get through that wall to have the same job, so they can feed their families back in Mexico. Again, enough. Spare me the BS.


I’m gonna free you now from all these rants, leaving all of these up to you. I’m sure you have your own take with everything but I don’t care.

We are united by questions and divided by answers.

I’m free to make you feel how to travel as me. I’m free to let you know my mind. I’m free to change my mind. I’m free to feel bitterness and rage. I’m free to accept the realities of the world. I’m free to tell the truth if there’s any truth left in this world. I’m free to free myself from all of these. I'm free to go anywhere.

Free me.


i deep dreamed one 4 u :) gustav klimt style

Wow, I'll put this on my post right now! :) @elgeko Thanks!

Holding on to anger is like holding a burning piece of wood . The only one getting hurt is yourself if you dont let go.

You will meet unthankful idiots every day, and I should propaply be more thankful also

Yes, I don't hold on to these. It's just one those posts that need to be let out.

Thanks for the post. I don't share your politics but then I haven't had your experiences. That's why I love Steem. Best wishes.

I think my SA passport is more shittier. But after the next financial crisis most things will change.

Let's hope for the best!

Very good post :) I think we are all victims of the system... But if you see and admit it, then you are on the right path to freedom. I hope your day is ok :)

Yes we all are. Thanks @foxkoit

It is ok :)

Ah yes, freedom and travel... yes please!

I wonder which passport you hold.. sorry if I missed out if you mentioned it in somewhere here. I m currently at PASSPORT POWER RANK: 83 , according to this https://www.passportindex.org/byRank.php so I feel you .

Thanks, I will check that website and see mine! ;) No I haven't mentioned it yet, but I will someday!

I loved your post.

if i knew you, id fall in love with you lol

You will earn more than the French guy with Steemit in the future! :D

I don't know about that, but let's see @jbp ;)

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