How to Live Off the Grid Without Going Primitive

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Let's be honest, the current system is just not working. The disturbing pollution, worsening inequality, heartless animal factories, deteriorating health of human beings, regular mass killings, greed-driven ruling elites, state-driven politics, false divides, and rampant homelessness say it all. If you still don't get the clues, I don't know anymore. This is the time to seek other ways to live your life because there must some good alternative, right? As a mentally healthy human being, you believe that you cannot just be part of all of this, can you? You can bring down the system without resorting to violence. And instead of demanding the world to change for you, instead of putting up with the stubbornness of the ruling few, you can actually start making the change yourself through your own actions. Though not perfect, it's still better than no change at all. Quoting Gandhi, live simply so that others may simply live. Perhaps it is high time to take responsibility for your own power.

If you can't subtract yourself from the rat race yet, there are others ways to live off the grid without actually going back to the primitive. Ethical ways that will enable you to feed your strong longing for nature and adventure while still eating your civilized cake. So, awaken that primal yearning for a healthy life and balance with nature. Untangle yourself from the tightening knot of the so-called safe and secure modern society. Recognize that deep longing for personal change that resides in your heart. The first step to change is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are. Accept that everything is connected to everything else. Overcome the fear of discomfort and never stagnate. Take comfort and security in moderation.

Don't get me wrong, I do like modern technology, in fact, I studied it in hopes of making a better life out of it. But what happened is that I slowly learned that instead of alleviating the lives of the masses from all over the world, modern technology is now being used for destruction, only benefitting the ruling few. I still long for a world where nature and technology can coexist, wherein modern advances can be used to preserve and utilize resources sustainably for the betterment of human race.

It is possible to go back and forth between the two worlds. Going back to nature is a surefire way to happiness. Because nature is what reminds you of the beauty of this world, it is what makes your happiness not completely dependent on human beings. When I was still part of the corporate world before my travels, I made sure that I could go on a weekly nature trip, like trekking in the mountains or just going to the beach. It is the best way to unwind, unplug and reflect. My nature visit was what made me wonder why people are going gaga over material things. After seeing the vastness of the underwater world, bathing in the emerald waters of the sea, marveling at the lush mountains and witnessing the amazing wildlife that thrives deep within the rainforest, I realized that the already available natural beauty is what truly gives me inner peace and happiness. I guess those regular nature trips during my working years eventually lead me to my lifestyle now. Because once you have gotten out of the lamp, you can never go back. You are now a free human being.

Food is what most people fail at and the greedy corporations seem to target your Achilles heel. I do believe that changing your eating habit is fundamental to living the off the grid lifestyle. If are living in the city, there are ways to learn about urban gardening or making use of that extra space to grow your own food. If you can't completely live off your own produce, you can still contribute to change by minimizing your food waste or by buying only what you can consume. Recycle those vegetable scraps or turn them into a compost for your indoor plants. Stop living off fast food or any comfort food that's not good for your health. Not only for the health, learn to choose ethical food companies that are not engaged in child labor or human exploitation. There are a lot of ways to be part of the off the grid without really resorting to a feral lifestyle.

If you can't completely rely on solar power or other renewable sources of energy, there are ways to reduce your utility bill. Modern society does not really promote off the grid lifestyle, otherwise, you will no longer be able to support the monopoly of electric and water companies. In my case, I bought a bicycle, which means that I'm spending more time outdoors, it also means that I'm not using electricity all the time. I found out that my electricity consumption is lower than before. So, find a way that will let you spend more time outdoors, and this will greatly help in lowering your utility bills. Here on the island, the power is really bad. I moved here last year and you can just imagine my annoyance whenever there was a power outage. I was about to buy a generator or solar panels. But some people in the remote islands around here only use solar power or generator and they can live with that. And I learned that the electric company here is more sustainable compared to big cities. Now whenever there's a power outage, I don't whine like a spoiled child anymore. It just means it's time for me to enjoy the outdoors and breath in fresh air.

Modern lifestyle might have paved the way to efficiency and easier life, but then it also has its consequences. Routine can stagnate and decrease brain activity. Because as you do things daily, the routine becomes mindless. You just wait for the cue, follow, and get the reward. For example, when you wake up, what's your cue for preparing your coffee? It could be the sunshine or the sight of the coffee maker. Then you just mindlessly brew and wait for the hot cup of coffee as a reward. But that's just modern life, convenience should give you more time for important things. However, that is not the case, people tend to become trapped, and it's not a good sign. You need to find other ways to increase the brain activity level in order to overcome the curse of routine, boredom, and meaninglessness. Traveling, living the off-the-grid lifestyle, pursuing your passion or anything that makes way for something new into your life. It's time to break free from the stranglehold of the all-too-comfortable, cultural conditioning, and societal brainwashing. Perhaps it is time to take the journey to that ideal lifestyle. A lifestyle that will help you become a better human being. A lifestyle that will not harm nature. A lifestyle that will help others to simply live. The choice is yours.


Strong post and a huge reminder for many! Keep them up! Like you, husband had cancer, cured in 2-weeks! Now we help people! Sold everything an currently in Mexico ready to head out and pick up trash on the beach! We could relate to everything you said!! Been there and done it all! We are Living the Real Dream now!!

What island are you on anyways?!?

Keep up the awesome posts!


Yes, I read your post that you guys are helping out in picking up trash on the beach, a really good initiative and example to others.

Thanks for reading our post! Its a big problem here...frustrating...trying to think how I can do more!!!


This was truly a great read but find that there are so many selfish people in the world only wanting more and more

I have also started taking baby steps to improve my way of living by doing simple things like worm farming and composting (and happy to say i have no food waste going into my bin)

Its the small things that make a great difference!

My biggest pain currently is plastic, it is so hard to purchase products that are not packaged in plastic, personally feel companies should find better alternatives for packaging products.

Thank you for this stunning article and I hope many steemians read it and slowly follow suite!!

Ugh plastic! I am heading out now with two trash bags to the beach in Mazatlán to go pick up more of it. It’s a passion I have and I just can’t stop picking up trash!! Have you heard of the Plastic Bank!?! Amazing...trying to get them here in Mexico!!

Yeah, cannot avoid plastic 100%, somehow it is still being used to preserve food and store other things. But can always reduce and reuse!

living life near to nature always give you healthy and happy life. It's human nature to get calm and happiness in life. some people feel calm and happiness in materialistic things. These things make you happy for some time, but at the end there materialistic increase your greediness. So people go after these things without caring their health. In the end they lost health.

Modern lifestyle might have paved the way to efficiency and easier life

All right modern lifestyle make your life easy but at the same time modern people suffer more diseases like anxiety, depression, Insomnia In contrast if you live life near to nature you do a lot of effort, which abstain you from these disease. Very nice post. keep sharing @diabolika

Exactly. After my 36-yr old husband got cancer we sold everything and left Oman RV to travel and really help sick people!!! Had to get out of that toxic environment!

All right modern lifestyle make your life easy but at the same time modern people suffer more diseases like anxiety, depression, Insomnia

I agree! Material things only give some temporary happiness and satisfaction.

Sometimes I can’t stand what my life has become. My job wants more and more of my time and people don’t understand why I don’t want to come in. Profits are prioritized over my safety and well being.I’m fueling the entitled I fucking hate with a passion. I’m trying to change things in my life but sometimes feel there’s no escape. I yearn for a simpler life. ThAts why I read your blog because it’s a 10 minute escape.

I totally understand. It's really hard to get out of it. But I do hope that you soon achieve that ideal life you've been longing for.

Oh, so now you want to get into the compatibilism/incompatibilism debate on free will...
That aside, I like your ethos as it has a certain pragmatism although mother nature really has no qualms about committing​ acts of fury(yes, you know this:) In that sense, ​the preppers have the right idea.

There are no guarantees in life, and yes even that life highly adapted to mother nature's regular act of fury... But we should forever be changing, shouldn't we?

One of my earliest philosophical quandaries dating back to 12 0r 13. The answer is yes and no, I think. But my LPS kicked in harshly today and it has been a struggle.
But your post is accurate because capitalism will be having its reckoning in the next 30 to 70 years and the smart thing to do now is get out the way as much as that's possible. You have the right idea.

I'm glad I'm out the way, though not completely. And of course, I have the right idea lol.

aiming for that digital nomad life, though fast food has been too convenient :O

Hehe.. Yeeesss, @diabolika. I like this little fire you have. You're like, the motivational prophet of doom. Or like a fire in a greenhouse. The glass is getting hot but the smokeup is enlightening. Bring the bellows. Bloody love it! :D

I've thought about some of this myself from a different angle. I own 1 bike which I've left with a friend back in Canada, and for now I'm living out of country with about 14kg (31lb for your American readers) of possessions, that's about all I own. I can neither claim to be off the consumer grid nor can most of us (I'm using a Macbook Air) but mostly don't buy any stuff and stuff I no longer need I donate for the most part.

And Steemit is my active social media presence, just about only Steemit (and I just started hehe). Lazy eye on Instagram, post there once a two-months?

I try to coast along with less physical and digital weight. Feels good!

Great. I miss the nomadic life. I agree that we cannot be 100% off the consumer grid, but we can make those little changes and reduce our waste and consumption.

A choice that's in the making, for me. Changing what a d how we eat is definitely the first and last thing we should stay focused on consistently. Thanks for the inspiration once again @diabolika 👍

It even goes before food with just drinking more water. It’s a conscious effort all around! Awareness, but all heading toward the right direction!

No worries!

This is natural scenery.

hello my dear friend @diabolika I am new joining steemit and new to your blog really this is great story and you are looking so beautiful I like you thank you for sharing this post

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