How Long-Term Travel Can Show You That Perfect Start-up Idea That Can Make You Rich

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


You will be surprised at the massive opportunities that open up for you once you committed to a lifestyle of traveling. There will be things that you would never even think of if you were still staying in the same place, seeing the same faces every day. As you travel, the things you encounter or those people you meet can disguise as opportunities. You just have to be alert and observant because these opportunities can knock only once.

As you expose yourself to different cultures, you will start appreciating the things that you have left behind. Especially if you are traveling to developing countries, you’ll see a lot of things that they might be lacking and this could be a perfect opportunity for you to think of a project that you can start there. Ask yourself what are the things you think you can change or improve? What are the problems you encounter in that country that you think you can solve? What are the things that your country has that you might be able to introduce? The good thing about long-term travel is that you’ll be able to take your time adapting to the culture and building good relationships with the local people. Connect with the local people, as they would be able to identify the day to day challenges they are facing which could be your opportunity to think and provide a solution.

Just an example, people in your country might be using the uber app or something similar that has changed the way people commute. And you found out that the country where you’re currently at has a massive traffic problem that makes the local people and you really annoyed. If you have a tech background, or if you have a tech team, you can probably think of another ride-share app that is suited to this country, or anything that can probably alleviate the traffic issue, perhaps creating an online ride-share community, groups or a simple app that can be used within the city or town. Of course, this is easier said than done, you’ll start having doubts about your idea which is normal. But what’s easy anyway? You will probably doubt your abilities at some point, but if you have the motivation and the desire to change your life and those around you, you actually can. Those big guys making it to the top just proves that nothing is impossible. The point here is just to first identify what exactly the problem is and think of how your abilities can help provide a solution.

Listen to the local people’s or their communities' problems. Stay in their houses through couchsurfing and observe your hosts’ daily routine and the issues they experience in their town or city. Have a meaningful conversation over a beer and start thinking of creative ideas that you can probably introduce to their country. Who knows, you might be able to work on some project together than can eventually make you guys rich.

Of course, there are challenges to be faced when starting a project in another country, and it’s not going to be easy. Visa issues, internet problem, limited resources, lack of cooperation from the local people and the government etc. But anything worthwhile takes time and effort. Successful people have gone through obstacles and failures. They are successful now because they didn’t give up and never doubted their ability to rise above temporary defeats.


In can be the other way around, if you are traveling in a developed country, what are the things that your country is lacking? What are the things that made their lives easier and solved the problems that you could probably introduce to your home country? Stay with the locals, connect with the community or volunteer. Take advantages of those opportunities to learn while you are traveling. Go around and be observant, traveling affords you to have fun while being creative at the same time. Remember those late-night conversations with your local host or with your new friends you have met, those times when you thought was it just the marijuana talking or were you guys just actually being creative at the moment. Suddenly ideas started to pour and you just laugh about it. Write those if you can or if you are not too drunk or high, entertain those ideas that come up suddenly. The next day you might be able to take it seriously, check the list or those written ideas and see if they are really possible and how you can come up with the next plan.

Invest in traveling and see how you can make the most out of it. Whatever that start-up idea is, it’s really up to you. Traveling lets you adapt to constant changes which can make you even smarter or more creative. It gives you the time to think and reflect on your life's choices, like how you wish you don’t have to go back to that kind of life you have already left behind, or that 9-5 job you have escaped from. I mean, why not just let it go completely? This is the time to do what you want, like what you really want in life. To pursue your passion and to do the things that you didn’t have time doing before. What’s to lose anyway? The only regret you’ll have is not doing the things you think you can do, and not those things you have already done.

Have that burning desire to change, and take the time to find out your life's purpose. Once you know it, work on the plan. Even if it takes the remainder of your life. This is how the successful people have done it.

Infinite possibilities on the road, choose what’s best for you, grab that opportunity and don’t let it go. Sky’s the limit, you only have one chance in life so might as well do it right.

Are you ready to take the plunge?

“Enthusiasm can help you find the new doors, but it takes passion to open them. If you have a strong purpose in life, you don't have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there.”
― Roy T. Bennett


Got to run away from the world sometimes, to see how it really is.

I agree, there's no better way to live!

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