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RE: Granville Island Public Market

in #travel5 years ago

I LOVE Granville Island!!!!

And probably have my post about it pinned right next to yours on the Steemit Word Map! 😂

Seattle has Pike Place Market, which is similar but SO MUCH worse for crowds! We stop in at Granville at least once a year and always wish I could bring all of that luscious food back across the border. Or I wish I could just live in one of those $$$$$ Vancouver town homes and buy market food every darn day!

I didn’t realize you are in Montreal. For some reason I had thought far north BC.

Glad you had fun at the market. Sorry your hotel was in a questionable location.



My gosh those houses are crazy. A townhome for 2 mills. Yikes! I like my privacy 🤣

I am in far north BC. I am on Alaska Highway. And I typed LIVED in Montreal 😜

We always talk on visiting Seatle. Always make plans but still havent gotten to it yet.

So you are not that far from me, hey. Cool! Let's meet up sometimes, #teamaustralia

Ahhh the old “lived” vs. “live”. I am not paying attention!

Seattle is fine. I think I like Vancouver more. It’s got better attractions than we do. 😄

Team Australia meet up! 😍 🇦🇺

We just got tickets to go back for a visit later this year. Stopping in Hawaii to break up that LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG flight!

🏝 🍹 🌺

Aaaah so lucky you! Do you fly home often? I had family reunion in Vancouver, recently. My Aussie mum flew in from Australia, my sister and her family flew in from Hawaii. Imma blog about it in near future. Sooo many goodies the kids got. Man, I miss Australia like big time.

Mum, sis and I were talking how far I live, if only I was in Australia or they were in Canada. Would be nice lol

They will be visiting here again in a couple of years and this time gonna go to Alaska Highway then we will rent RV and drive up to Alaska.

Did you hear an Aussie guy was murdered with her American GF up here, on Alaska Highway? That is close to where I live. So sad.

Seattle is my home. My husband is from Canberra. He goes back more than I do, but I try to go back every 2 or 3 years. Once it ended up being FIVE years though! (Terrible daughter-in-law.)

It’s too far! I feel sad for my hubs because his people rarely visit. Though one of his cousins just got hired by Amazon and moved here from Perth with his family two weeks ago! Finally some family close by for my husband.

I miss tons about Australia. So many beautiful places, delicious Turkish and Lebanese food, the wombats, battered savs! 🤣😂🤣

That is great you fam came out. I didn’t here about the couple getting murdered!!! Horrible!

aaah I see!

am a terrible adopted daughter!

I fly home to Indonesia every 2-3 years (one time was 5 years lol). I know Indonesia is close to Australia, but the ticket price is not light as well. 4 tickets from Canada to Indonesia is already making us bankrupt each time, cannot add Australia as well. Then if want to fly to Australia only, from Canada, that would make my birth parents sad if we dont stop by Indonesia. Am I making sense? So whenever we fly home to Indonesia, thats it, just Indonesia. The last time I flew home to OZ was in 2001! AGES ago. Altho my OZ parents visited us in 2005. Fast forward to last month, that was the first time we saw each other again after 2005. Wow lol

Thats good now your hubby has family from back home there :D

Oh yes!!! My first Lebanese wraps was in Australia. Yummo big time hahaha OMG, we can be good friends it seems, dfinney! hahahah

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