Do Americans get treated differently while abroad?

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

How are Americans treated abroad?

Assuming many on Steemit are Americans who travel a lot, what is it like in your experience? Do Americans get discriminated against in certain countries? If so which countries are in your experience the most discriminating against Americans? On the other hand are there certain countries which give Americans special or unfairly good treatment? If yes, which countries and why do you think this happens?

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Can't really comment on discrimination or easiness as I'm not American, however Americans have it far more easy than most other countries to travel VISA free. Discriminatiion or not Americans have a recognized passport and save a lot of $,s not needing to apply for a Visa.

Which countries are Visa free?

As of 1 January 2017, holders of a United States passport could travel to 174 countries and territories visa-free or with visa on arrival

Great post , im not an american but i don't think that americans people are discriminated in any country

No i don't think they get discriminated.

How was that a response to anything I said in my post?

As an European, I do think most of people here have a strong preconceived image about Americans, normally being of an ignorant, rude and arrogant person. That may, but just may, lead to some kind of discrimination, but I don't think it's a meaningful one.

What's more, as a person that has been twice to the US, West and East coast, I completely disagree with this view of Americans. It was promoted by a certain left-winged European elite in a specific time of our history, but it stuck.

In my country, Indonesia does not have an American citizen who is foreign. all the same. get where they want them.

All the foreigners are treated well as far as India is concerned. And we welcome everone with the open heart, but there are people everywhere who defames their own country. In India also you will find those people, but most of the Indians welcome anyone with the open arm and open heart.

I remember travelling around Australia with a group of Canadians (about 15 years ago) and they all had sew on badges on their bags with the Canadian flag to disguish themselves and would get pretty annoyed when people would ask if they were American. It's a shame really because the minority of Americans who do decide to travel are more likely to be the ones who know what is going on in their country and the world yet from my observations they are often treated indifferently by many simply because they are American.

Being americain is one of the greatest gift and every americain should be proud !. I travelled a lot and each country is unique, some countries love Americans ,others dont.But i really believe that we shouldnt judge any one based on some historical and traditionnal facts.

I've met a number of Americans travelling across East Europe and they were impersonating Canadians. Which was easy for a Canadian to bust ;)

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