Prague/Czech Republic - Monday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!

in #travel6 years ago

WARNING: The use of images that are not your own on which you claim the ownership will be flagged and/or reported to @steemcleaners - HELPING TO STOP PLAGIARISM ON STEEMIT

Hello fellow Steemians,

I hope you are all having a great day! :) As usually, I am here with my daily photo challenge where you can submit your personal images from your travels to Prague and other locations in the Czech Republic in the comment section below.

The best 15 entries of the day will get my upvote. I will then pick the absolute winner of the day from these 15 photos. The winning photo will be awarded with a bigger upvote and it will also be featured as the cover image for the challenge post the next day to give the author of the winning shot some more exposure and publicity.

Don’t forget to add a short background story for your entry with at least 30 words and let me just remind you one more time that only personal images will be accepted in the challenge.

There were many great entries submitted in the yesterday Prague/Czech Republic photo challenge and I had a hard time picking the best one. After a deliberate consideration, however, I decided to choose the following entry by @francismoure:

This is the view of Karlštejn Castle is a Gothic castle built in 1348 by Charles IV, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and King of Bohemia, a place full of history, in this castle were kept many jewels and treasures of sum importance for Czech Republic.

Click on the image for a large view

I rewarded @francismoure winning entry with some extra upvote. Feel free to visit her blog and check out some of her other entries.

Thank you for your submissions. Have a great day and keep on Steeming!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Prague Museum Night starts tomorrow, entrance and transportation is free!

7 World's Continents Photo Challenge - week #36 - vote for your favorite picture of the week!

ColorChallenge - Blue Friday - @jumartphoto in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!

Prague/Czech Republic - Friday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!

CEO & Founder of CGH


upvote follow resteem.gif


Cesky Krumlov

After several days in Prague, I made the four-hour drive to the medieval town of Cesky Krumlov, tucked in a sharp bend in the Vltava River. Everything that I found lovely and atmospheric in Prague was replicated on a smaller scale here, even the stunning castle overlooking the river. It was as if the oldest and loveliest parts of Prague were recreated in miniature for the amusement of a child.


Beautiful***** ;-}

That trip sure is worth it. Another great destination to stop on the way there or back to Prague is Chateau Hluboka. Great image to feature today. Thank you for your entry. Tomas

The Upper Square ("Horni Namesti" in Czech) found in the historic center of Opava. The square is dominated by the city hall and the stone spherical sculpture coloquially known just as "the sphere" ("koule" in Czech). The sphere is the most popular meeting point in the city :)


Trifot, Nové Butovice, in front of the metro station, Prag
The author of this 12-meter-high monster is, of course, David Černý. What the author wanted to say, he said. It is up to you what ideas it will bring to you.
I like it...


The Na Zvonici Hill is located in the southern part of Prague. On this hill there is a 1754 church, a baroque bell tower from the same time, and a cross road from 2015. The top is covered mostly with pine trees and serves as a park for local residents. There are also some glimpses of surrounding Modřany.

This cross looks like so-colled The Conciliar Cross from the Medieval Age. When the murder was accomplished and the murderer was recognized, part of the punishment was the obligation to build this cross on the scene of the crime.

Jelikož má angličtina je zoufale špatná, tak ještě jednou česky, vlastně jen pro Tebe, Michale, a trochu obšírněji:
To v popředí vypadá jako tzv.Smírčí kříž. Když se ve středověku stala vražda a byl usvědčený pachatel, tak pokud poškozená rodina nepožadovala, aby byl zabit stejným způsobem, jako zabil svou oběť on, tak součástí narovnání mezi rodinami bývala kromě náhrady způsobené škody i stavba takovéhleho kříže.
Většinou ho musel vyrobit sám pachatel a dopravit na místo činu. I když to byl třeba šlechtic... Proto jsou tak neumělé.
Často na něm byly vytesány nejrůznější symboly, které měly co do činění s tou vraždou. Třeba vražedná zbraň, narážka na totožnost oběti a vraha... Kterým už zpravidla nerozumíme. Jsou to vzkazy z období, kde 95% polulace byli negramoti a psaná historie se nezachovala.
Od 70.let 20.století začali ty kříže mizet. Kradli si je zahrádkáři na zahrádky. Dnes už je kradou jen profesionální zloději pro bohaté sběratele. Moc jich nezbylo. Těch křížů. Zlodějů je dost.
Zajímalo by mě, jestli ke vztyčení tohohle modrního kříže byl nějaký důvod.

Skutečně se jedná o smírčí kříže. Více info je zde :,_Mod%C5%99any)

Skutečně se jedná o smírčí kříže. Nejde mi vložit odkaz na českou wikipedii. Tak jestli se chceš dozvědět více tak hledej Křížová cesta Modřany. Dokonce jsem zahlídl odkaz na pořad v České televizi.

hydropower plant Český Krumlov.jpg

"Hydropower plant ,Český Krumlov"

Right next to the restaurant Český Krumlov bar The Strojovna, you can find the hydropower plant. The river rises in southwestern Bohemia from two headstreams in the Bohemian Forest, the Tepla Vltava and the Studena Vltava. It flows first southeast, then north across Bohemia, and empties into the Elbe (Czech: Labe) River at Melnik, 18 miles (29 km) north of Prague.


It s a location for the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, a place full of history, but with all the modern art that surprises and amazes!
The story of the building is just as interesting as the building is imposing.
Easily accessible at the edge of the Jewish Quarter and at the exit of Line B of the metro.

The Lookout Tower Žalý

Žalý observation tower , which was built back in 1890. Count Harrach, it is unique for its scenery. Offers insight into how the region (for good visibility Hradec Kralove, Trutnov, even Praha) as the most important mountain majesties Giant Mountains (Snezka, Boiler, Meadow, Montenegro cairn Hanče and Vrbaty the Gold hill Medvědín, etc.).



Lets try another time!
im watching my pictures from prague everyday and i just want to go back there!

this picture shows the Changing of the Guard that takes place in the first courtyard of Prague Castle at 12:00 daily

i served in the army in israel and never seen changing shift that so honorable!
its really cool to see and i recommend everyone who plans to visit prague castle to plan to see it in 12:00

It is always amazing to visit prague city such that even at the Charles Bridge, there are a lot of photos to take from this area. Whilst we were enjoying the view and the breeze on the bridge, others were enjoying boat cruise even though the weather wasnt that befitting for cruise in spring.

This is wild and beautiful nature close to a small (and not so beautiful) town Lovosice. I was walking alone through mysteriuos forest... it was raining... no people around... really scary ;) but the view from the top was worth it.

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