Monkey see..Monkey zoo? Bio Park in Nagasaki, Japan

in #travel7 years ago

While visiting Lara and John in Japan, we decided to visit a local zoo. Foreign zoos are always interesting and this one allowed visitors to feed most of the animals. This included patagonia maras, lemurs, flamingos, peacocks and even spider monkeys!

The super cute ticket they gave us:

They even had a separate petting zoo with guinea pigs, umbrella cockatoos, a magellan horned owl, blue-fronted amazons, marmosets and more. 

 PAW (Pet Animal Word)

Adorable guinea pigs

Candid photo taken by @slickwilly 

@slickwilly and I with an Umbrella Cockatoo, this guy had a big personality! 

They also had a Magellan Horned Owl

and a Blue-fronted Amazon

Even cuter was the Common Marmoset who was jumping all around!

He was very curious about Wills shirt

After the PAW (Pet Animal Word) we moved on to the main zoo. 

The Main Zoo

The zoo had had a wholesome welcome message and an adorable peruvian llama mascot!

Welcome to Nagasaki Bio Park. This is a field where plants and animals live together in harmony. And of course, we warmly welcome you here to! We  hope that you will be able to enjoy interacting with the plants and animals here, while at the same time, keeping the park's rules in mind.

Me petting a patagonia mara

I had never seen a black lemur before and these guys were VERY interested in the treats in our hands. As you can see they are literally grabbing our hands to take the treats. (This montage is a fake out and he was pissed!)

"Wha????!? No Treats?!!?" - Mr. Lemur

Throughout the park we saw a number of wild crabs! These were not part of the park exhibits, just hanging around the park.

Feeding some flamingos, they were very gentle

A gorgeous peacock!

And the finale... spider monkeys! 

Lara and John had some fun with them too!

We really had a great time at this zoo! If you have some extra time around Nagasaki I highly recommend a visit.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the photos  😁 


Cool! I went to a panda base in China that I posted about, you should check it out:)

Thats awesome! I totally will!

Thanks for sharing! I always wanted to go to Japan... I plan to in a few more years 💖

Yes you totally should! @slickwilly and I are in the midst of blogging about our two week trip that we took back in May. It was very fun :)

You guys making me jelly! I will 😂... if you're ever in Vegas, I got you guys! Fellow STEEMIANS! 🙌🏼😂💖

Ohh I love Vegas! We will definitely reach out to you! 🙋 💜

Aw I'm so jealous, this looks amazing!

Amazing shots and I love the interaction with the animals.

Thank you! Yes we had a lot of fun interacting with them. It also seemed that they were treated well and had a lot of space to roam around which was nice to see.

And this.

😨😨 oh my goodness! Those monkey's are a bit scary! Wow.. Im guessing these are wild monkeys?? The spider monkeys at the zoo were a bit feisty when it came to the mealworm treats but nothing like these videos!

You were lucky.

Good shots . I tried to find more videos like your pictures , instead I found this .

@slickwilly would have been pissed if this had happened to his gopro! Im glad our monkeys were much nicer. We only worried about getting peed on.

Those moneys crawling all over your head are killing me! and you are so calm.

I had a strict three monkey limit lol

This is me with four (or five?) I definitely felt something on my back!

He knows what you mean.

Woah! 🙈🙈 That looks like 7-10 of them at once! Honestly I'm glad I was with a goup of four.. each of us had a ball of treats (mealworms).. so the monkeys had more places to jump too

That is a great shot of the peacock.

Thank you! He was very calm near in the spider Monkey exhibit, made it easy to catch a close up 😊

I like animals. The world is beautiful as a fairy tale.

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