Creating Community At World Crypto Con & Everything I Did!

in #travel6 years ago

world crypto con review cryptocake

Recently I made it out to World Crypto Con in Las Vegas for 2 days of panels, talks, booths, friends, and even a little fun with the family! I really enjoy these cryptocurrency conventions, but I do have a few gripes as well (namely the price!). I feel really lucky and grateful that the fine folks of WCC invited me out to their event as a VIP and I wanted to do a quick recap of all that I saw and did while I was there! Follow along with The 'Stache as I take you through my weekend of meeting all my crypto friends & the cool stuff that I found.

Why I Like Crypto Conventions

While some people may not see the point of going to a crypto convention and think that it is all parties, raging, and lambos, I actually love the community that we are creating when I link up with all the friends that I have made in crypto so far. I also really do enjoy the panels and have heard some amazing speakers at these events along with talking with almost EVERY project that was there. Creating a solid and supporting community for crypto is vital to it's long term success and whether you are wearing a suit or you are wearing leopard print MC hammer pants with pink hair we are all working towards the same goal and crypto is about being INCLUSIVE (more on this and what I think can change about conventions further down)!

Going To World Crypto Con

Since I am in Southern California the trip to Las Vegas is one I have made many, many times. I decided to bring the while fam with me on the trip so we drove out the morning of November 1st after our epic Harry Potter themed Halloween (I'm Hagrid).

world crypto con review

I arrived at the convention just a little to late to catch one of the gaming and blockchain panels I was REALLY looking forward to. I am just glad I found the convention at all, and might not have if I had not run into my buddy CryptoCrow in the lobby of the Aria Hotel!

Once I got inside and got my VIP stuffs I started wandering around aimlessly until I ran into the CryptoCake TV booth! If you are a 'Stache Club member then you know I have been talking about this new 24/7 crypto news & entertainment channel that is coming soon. I am on the show ICO Potatoes (may change to just "Crypto Potatoes") and they were showing the full demos from all the shows at the booth.

world crypto con review satoshi droppers

world crypto con review cryptocake satoshi droppers

I did a couple of photos with the whole Satoshi Droppers group as well. Quite a few of us from the Satoshi Droppers have our own show on the channel and these damn crypto cupcakes were delicious!

world crypto con reviewBitcoin Bella loves cupcakes! hahah

world crypto con review

world crypto con review cryptocake tv (Left to right: Me, Andy & Daniel of the Coin Boys, Steve & Lee producers of CryptoCake, BitBoy, CryptoWendyO, CryptoSanity, & Brekkie Von Bitcoin)

A bunch of my friends have their own shows coming to CryptoCake TV as well and it was great to have so many Satoshi Droppers at WCC. I do hate that I did not manage to get a chance to take a pic with EVERY Dropper that was there including Cryptomodel, JChains, & ChristopherCrypto. Next time guys!

lyn free ross world crypto con review

I tagged along with the CoinBoys, Andy & Daniel, and I went upstairs to talk to Lyn Ulbricht the mother of Ross Ulbricth who was given a life sentence for creating the Silk Road network. If you don't know this story it is a MUST READ (you can read more on I hate how corrupt our legal system is and it was a pleasure to talk to Lyn about some of that and how her son Ross is doing so far. She is out there fighting the good fight for sure, please support her and the project. You can even donate to them by using the new donation feature with your crypto! All donations to me through go directly to the project.

vesa world crypto con review

After that I wandered around some more and ran into a few people and booths that I liked. I was impressed by this artist called Vesa who was covered in gold paint!

brock pierce world crypto con review

I caught a motivational keynote by the one and only Brock Pierce and I really enjoyed it. Learned a few things about sacred geometry that I did not know and how it was the basis for the EOS logo.

world crypto con review the cryptolove crypto love

As I was leaving the Brock Pierce keynote I finally got to meet my buddy The Crypto Love in person! We have been in the same Telegram groups for a while now and it was cool to finally meet the man behind the beard!

I honestly met so many great people at this event it is hard to mention them all here. I didn't take pictures with everyone, but a few people that I really enjoyed meeting for the first time were The Crypto Zombie aka KDUB, Steve from Hack Crypto, Seth Estrada, Adam Charles, Jamie Avanti, Shill Nye, Crypto Euclid & The Goddess, Crypto Crow and so many more!

brekkie von bitcoin world crypto con lambo

I saw Brekkie Von Bitcoin get interviewed in a Lambo!

world crypto con review influencer panel

I saw to great crypto "influencer" panels back to back and they were both really great. I know most of these people now and it was insightful to hear about their trials and tribulations in the space. I must confess, in between these two panels I snuck out for 20 minutes to catch Charlie Lee aka SatoshiLite (creator of Litecoin) give his Keynote and it was totally worth it!

charlie lee world crypto con review litecoin

My Favorite Projects At WCC

I would be remiss if I did not include some of the cool projects I came across. I didn't get many pictures, but here are the ones that I liked. 

PAC Coin - I really enjoyed talking with Eric & Sean from the PAC project (People's Alternative Choice). They have a lot more going on behind the scenes then I could have imagined. They certainly made me a fan and I will be looking more into the project. 

Devault - They are creating a community driven economy through a masternode structured coin. I love how community focused they are and it was a pleasure talking with the team.

VouchForMe - This was a super interesting project that lets your friends "vouch" for you to get lower insurance rates. The friend essentially takes on a portion of the responsibility in the form of a deductible. Interesting concept and it was great to hear the concept from Frederick & Matt at their booth. I really want to see if this is something others would do for a friend? What do you think?

HEMPd - While this was not a crypto project, I really loved the flavors they had for this new CBD infused drink. I went back to their booth a few times to get more samples the Dragon Fruit one was so good!

Convention Final Thoughts

I had a blast at the convention and I am glad that I could attend. I met tons of great people and talked to a lot of projects and even got to see the trailer for my new crypto tv show! As I mentioned earlier I do think that part of the Ethos of crypto is the idea of being inclusive of everyone. Bitcoin was founded to be money for all people across the globe with no restrictions and I think that conventions have gotten a little out of hand with the price tag to go to some of these events. 

Being an event producer myself I understand what it takes to put on a large scale event, but there are certainly ways we can find to make it more affordable so more people that want to go can. I am stoked for my friend CryptoCrow's convention called Chainwise that is coming next year. It is affordable and everyone can go! 

Hopefully they make some changes next year and it is cheaper for all to attend, but until then...

'Stache That Crypto Friends!



Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62966.47
ETH 2631.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79