Exploring Hobbiton and the Shire in New Zealand — Toy Camera Tiltshift in a Toy-like Wonderland

in #travel7 years ago


The shire is real, you know. On any given day, you can approach the door to Bag End, and stand poised to knock as if you might ask if you could join for dinner and an expedition.

Tucked away in the jewel-toned hills of New Zealand, Hobbiton (the Lord of the Rings movie set) is a stunningly detailed, functioning miniature village. As I left Matamata and made my way towards the grey mist hanging over the rolling slopes, I wondered if the set would be kitschy and disappointing; if it would feel cheap and plastic and hang a similar ashen pall over the books I adored so much. And yet... the chance to have a mug of ale at the Green Dragon was too delightful to pass up.


I descended on a winding road between the hummocks of emerald grass, and the edges of the shire revealed themselves slowly as I went.

The entire site is completely enveloped by the verdant landscape — if not for the endless parade of tour buses, you'd have no idea that any of the hobbit holes were there at all. As I stepped to the edge of the path that meandered towards the famous front door hidden in the shade of the massive tree, the sun began to move from behind the clouds and I was treated to — honestly — a complete fantasy. I was so incredibly excited that I'd brought a toy-camera style tiltshift lens with me, as I personally think the results are so charming and apropos. I will absolutely be sharing more traditional photos of the full grounds and close-ups of the holes, but for this weekend, I hope these convey the whimsy and childlike joy I experienced walking among the tiny fruit-bearing trees and alongside scaled down benches on the lake's edge.







When I look at these photos I feel the sun on my face and smell hints of fresh, wet grass. The tiltshift toy effect isn't always my favourite, but in this case, I love the fantasy of it all.

Sitting outside of Bag End reading a dog-eared, hard-loved, 1976 first Canadian edition copy of The Hobbit, looking up into the branches of the shade tree filtering the light onto the steps where we first saw Bilbo leave on a great adventure...was a surreal and wonderful thing. When we come back to the shire, I'll show you some more detailed photos taken with my regular rig, and lead you through the Green Dragon inn.

All of these photos are my own, taken on my travels all over this pretty blue marble of ours. I hope you like them. 🌶️


I like these pictures, they have good composition. What's your favourite thing to capture?

Welcome to steem it!! :D

@crimsonclad likes climbing things, mountains and stuff, I think nature and landscapes and whatnot?

At least I hope so because I like those and would love to see more of those distant mountains coming closer

Thanks for joining in the fun. <3

This has been chosen as an exceptionally creative post by the audience at @msp-waves, stay creative! we love you, we really do. <3

When evening in the Shire was grey
his footsteps on the Hill were heard;
before the dawn he went away
on journey long without a word.

- J.R.R. Tolkien

I like the walking song.

"The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say."

I came here from @msp-waves audience to say..


I don't know how you do it, finding time for such beautiful things and all the work you do.

You really are amazing!

I hope you enjoyed the little love in today :)

Keep at it, you are doing great things. <3

Oh, I so want to go there, it looks so real but still like a fairytale (of course). I like how you composed and blurred the photos, really nice!
This place feels like something I need to visit, thanks for sharing!

I love the Hobbit! Amazing photos!

A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. J. R.R Tolkien
I loved Gandalf and the films seeing this set just brings me back to the days of watching these and reading the hobbit.

God, I love tiltshift. It is so otherworldly! I may have to buy these as prints for my geeky walls if you make them available! <3 <3 <3

I love these pictures and now feel like I need one of these homes!

This is totally on my bucket list, I'm going to see this one day! Absolutely awesome to see this through your lens! Thank you!! This made my day!!

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