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RE: Popayán, the Dazzling White City

in #travel6 years ago

From my research, the city of Popayàn is also known as the city of bridges, there are 14 bridges around the city. Of those 14, in your photos I observed two bridges that caught my attention because of their old architectural model that at times made me think of European type bridges, of course keeping the distance in terms of dimensions.
The first of these two bridges is the Bridge of Humilladero:

and the second (which is located next to the previous bridge) is the Bridge of the Custodia or Puente Chiquito as they also call it:

The Bridge of Humilladero (that is sustained in twelve arcs), has two arcs that cross the Molino River, is a masonry construction raised in 1873. Its name is derived from the effort that before the existence of the bridge had to do the settlers to raise the slope with heavy loads to the main square of Popayán. The road was so steep that many times people had to climb almost on their knees. It tells the story that for a long time was one of the main entrances of the city; through him the liberating armies entered during the independence process. In spite of the time of construction, its imposing design and consistency in its construction have allowed it to remain safe, despite the fact that the city was devastated by some earthquakes.

The Bridge of the Custody that was built in 1713 (much older than the Bridge of Humilladero), where, according to the story, the slaves and indigenous people paraded, while the main bridge (Bridge of Humilladero) used to pass royalty and the landowners. As always, the difference of social classes present in different periods of history.

Here you can see the two bridges, one next to the other.

Additionally, I would like to tell you, according to the information gathered, that Popayàn is one of the hyperdense cities of the world (they live very tight), with more than 8,000 inhabitants per square kilometer, higher than Tokyo and Yokohama, in Japan, which does not exceed 4,600 hs / km2. (

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