Trip to Bahamas

in #travel6 years ago


Tomorrow I will travel to Bahamas. I will stay at hotel Atlantis(from the picture), which is placed at Paradise Island at Nassau.

I am looking forward to this trip because I have heard that this place is one of most beautiful places at the World. I have really high expectations from this trip and maybe that is not good. Sometimes it is better not to have high expectations, because if you think like that, there is less chance to get disappointed.

Next days my posts will be mostly about Bahamas and I hope that I will succeed to transfer my impressions from there to You.



Намучићеш се @cicbar, нарочито ако лифт у хотелу откаже ;) А @lighteye мора сутра чак у Крашиће, где је Интернет веза скроз неизвесна… Ако Богдан да тројку… пардон… Ако Бог да, биће извештај идуће недеље. 😄

Колико ти дуго остајеш на Бахамима?

I Krašići su super, pogotovo ako je dobro društvo :-) Sedam dana sam tamo :-)

Због друштва и идем, @cicbar. Такође на седам дана :)

Uživaj 😃 😃 😃

И ти, надам се с породицом, @cicbar :)

Hope u will enjoy the movement ,nd will share ur joy with us. Stay happy there. Best luck nd hv a nice journey...

Such a beautiful place . I hope you enjoy yourself . Have a nice travel .
Thanks for sharing @cicbar

You welcome 😀

Beautiful city

#wishing you a safe trip

Thanks 😀

@cicbar enjoy your trip to Bahamas .

Thanks 😀

You should not expect too much or you might regret a little.

Hope it will be like I expect to 😃

That's very true, when you have high expectations about something or someone, you can be very disappointed if things don't go as planned. I hope this is not the case and you can tell us about the great experience at the Atlantis Hotel later. Enjoy your trip, my friend!

Thanks 😀

Thanks 😀

beautiful environment.... am sure you will enjoy your self to the fullest

#safe trip

So wonderful place and loving your this picture.
It is one of the dreamy place in my list.
Thanks for your sharing.

enjoy you stay!

Thanks 😀

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