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RE: Real Life Captured #46: Chiang Mai Thailand! Part Two (15 photos)

in #travel7 years ago

Love it up North in Chiang Mai. Also, Chiang Rai. My family are in Bangkok, so we mostly stay there when visiting. Have you made it up to the north-east? We traveled up to Bueng Kan, to see the Wat phu tok. If you have not been there it is amazing. A temple built into a mountain. Another question, have you been to Pai? If so, I was wondering if it is worth going to or if it is just touristy?


I haven't gotten to the north east of the country. I was so planning on going to Pai this past trip. But I got talked out of it by a friend and went back to the islands, ended up spending a couple weeks in Krabi Town which I loved.
During my 3 weeks in Chiang Mai I met a lot of travelers saying that were coming and go from pai. They all said it is a hippy town to the max! Like hardcore. I met this one girl who traveled hours on a bus from Pai to Chiang Mai to get her visa renewed after "forgetting about it" overstaying her visa by a month. Begging her mother for money to help her. She's been living in a hippy commune for free, she was from Germany, she was wearing no shoes on the streets of Chiang Mai, looked like she hasn't showered in a week, walked into the immigration office care free...with no shoes and henna tatoos all over. This was the day I had to get my visa renewed. Turns out she paid a 10,000 baht fine and they let her stay.

Now I'm not criticizing and I enjoy different spices of life. But to my understanding the entire town is awash in this culture and everyone is smoking weed and doing mushroom, very little to no police presence.....but again I haven't been there. But this is what I learned in Chiang Mai. Kind of wish I went to see if first hand. Maybe next time I'm in the country. So if you don't mind being in this kind of tourist environment go for it. Otherwise maybe it's better to not go.

I do know that you don't have to participate and there is great hiking trails all around the area if you enjoy that. Hope this helps. so cool to know you've got family in Bangkok and we both are connected to that country. I don't have family there, but I've visited a dozen times and have spent maybe 2 years of my life there all together. I really love Thailand.

You ask some really great questions. I'm looking forward to perfecting and sharing that food poisoning post I've got in the works and seeing what you think of it.

So you are a chef. Do you work in a restaurant or privately, or more of a hobby? I too LOVE food and cooking.

Have a great day! -Dan

Hey Dan, Thanks for the Pai info! My wife and I were thinking of getting a small place in the upcountry someplace. I like how the weather is a bit cooler in the North. I would probably still go to Pai one day just to check it out. Not sure I could deal with that scene full time! I do like hiking and the mountains of the north.

We visit my wife's family in BKK once or twice a year, usually for three weeks at a time. We have been doing these trips since 2000. It would be cool to meet up some time if our paths ever cross. We could have you over for an incredible home cooked Thai meal.

I started out in fine dining restaurants. I did that for several years. Then I switched to working as a private chef. I have been a private chef for the last 15 years. It has been a great time. I prefer this work to restaurant work. I am currently planning my next step. Something to free me up to spend more time in Asia.

I look forward to the food borne illness post!

Hi Steven! So interesting what you've written. Having some experience as a private chef as well, I can imagine it's much less stressful than being in a restaurant. I'm so happy to have connected with you here. Until our paths cross and we have that home cooked dinner in Bangkok; we'll definitely stay in touch on steemit! Actually I just clicked to follow you. Sorry I forgot to earlier. I'll throw my up-vote bot on you too, to give you a little help.

Will be working on that food illness post tonight. Should have it out tomorrow morning.

Have a great day! -Dan

Great to meet you! Thanks for the support. Looking forward to the post.
Best, Steve

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