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RE: Beginner's Guide to Skiing - Day 2 - Take the Lesson

in #travel6 years ago

Hey @mattifer

Great post. It is important to get the message out there from a beginner point of view. It is crucial to remember how you felt when first learning the basics to be able to teach the basics. There is nothing worse than watching someone get annoyed or impatient with a beginner.

One thing that is often underestimated about skiing is that it is physically tough. This also needs to be a consideration when teaching.

Skiing is a wonderful thing though and I hope you have an amazing time. The season in Romania doesn't start until mid December so I'm totally jealous that you are out there! 😁

Have fun.



I was fortunate in that my S.O. is incredibly patient. He only got a little annoyed with me for falling down so much. ;-)

While I was taking my first lesson I heard lots of parents getting annoyed with their children. Telling them to go faster or to stop falling or to try harder... I felt kind of bad for those kids. No one tries to fall when they are learning something like that.

Today, I feel like I got run over by a mountain multiple times. I guess I did really. I had some good, epic falls. I even got air on one of them! :-) Yes, it's important to be in good shape physically if you want to not severely injure yourself.

I must admit to finding it more of a challenge coaching/teaching my daughter than teaching most others. It is still no reason to be cross at them for a perceived lack of progress or effort based mistakes.

Somehow, we seem to get our selves put into the mix when teaching those close to us. Having an instructor do it allows for a more objective perspective.

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