Leaving Acapulco, Going Back To Montreal

in #travel7 years ago


We are leaving Acapulco Mexico next week. Our visas will run out in a couple of weeks and after thinking about what we could do in our situation of little funds, we came to the only conclusion that was possible. We have to go back to Montreal, after having to borrow the money for plane fare.

We thought we would be able to live in Mexico indefinitely. We had dreamed of a small business idea with hardly any overhead that would involve selling vegan food. We laugh at that now, knowing how it would not work out. The free enterprise here is a bonus but the vegan community is pretty much not existent.

However we have not had a conventional job for over six months. We left Montreal with two paychecks each, which ran out two months ago. We had already two months of accommodations paid for along with two one way tickets to Cancun. We stayed in the Yucatan for one month and knew it would not be suitable for us so we went to Acapulco, home of the anarchists. I have been here several times once with my boyfriend Marc over a decade ago. We love it here. It is the most suitable place for all types of travelers and tourists.

Steemit and bitcoin boosted things for us and enabled us to keep on until now. The nice spike before the new year was something we didn't expect and it turned a very little money into enough for us to pay rent and live quite nicely here. We are so grateful for being able to have stayed for this long here in paradise, and miss the entire freezing cold Montreal winter.

We're confident that this will just be a refueling adventure back to home base, before we are able to head out again. In the meantime we are going to try to work on our tans, so when we get off the plane in the cold Montreal spring without coats, people will understand that we've been down south.

A crab showed up on the sand

I was feeling quite guilty after I took this photo. It occurred to me that perhaps I was disturbing this poor guy by taking the photo and making him nervous.


There were locals that were trying to put him back in the water. I'm not sure if they were trying to help him or if they were making sure the beach was crab free. I don't think anyone including myself should have stopped him from going where he was headed.




We are feeling pretty sad about leaving what was supposed to be our new home for a while but we will savor the moments before we have to go back to the colder weather.





The beaches in Acapulco are one of a kind. They are something I dream about when I'm not there.


It's great to see children enjoying the sand and the water instead of television and gadgets. I love to see laughter during simple and innocent pleasures. We should never grow up.




Not all of the little guys are so fortunate

This little guy about four years old walks with his mother, a vendor of trinkets that not very many people want. He has key chains with little beer bottles on them.


I really feel for the people that try so hard to make a living walking on the hot sand trying to make a sale. These days, they are not very successful. I see their desperation. There is a decline in tourism. I know just by seeing the difference between now and sixteen years ago when I use to come down quite a bit.

I really admire the spirit of some of those vendors that just want the connection with humans whether they sell something or not.





These last months here have gone by so fast. They have been rejuvenating and health-giving. I honestly don't know what I will do without the Acapulco sunset.

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My friend I regret that you have to leave that beautiful place, they say that money is not everything but it helps a lot, but for lack of money they would stay, I hope that when you return we will keep in touch, you know that I love your recipes, I ask god that some day you can return to that wonderful weather!

Oh @jennimorillo thank you for your great blessings!!!! Now I really feel I will see the tropical sun again. I will show you around Montreal instead of Mexico. Just for a while of course. You're right about money. It is not the number one thing in life, but until we can live in a world that will live on trade alone, we will always need money. Thank you again.

If my friend Venezuela is going through a great crisis, we can not get food or medicine, there is a lot of insecurity and a lot more friend, here the salary is not enough, we are surviving!

what an amazing photography dear you look really gorgeous i do love to be there to enjoy the sweet sunset hope you had a great time there.

Thank you my friend. One week and we will go to the north. I will take you on a tour of Montreal Canada

i would love to dear, waiting for it. hope you have a great time.

Hi Carolyn,
I've recently discovered your The Oddest Vegan Couple Youtube content and now have stumbled upon you on Steemit. I have just recently arrived back in Montréal after spending a month in Acapulco and attending both Anarchapulco and Anarchaforko. If you guys are up for it, I think it would be cool to meet up somewhere in cold grey Montréal and talked about how much we miss Acapulco.

Sure @alexlapointe that would be great. We'll stay in touch!

Awesome @carolynstahl. Talk to you soon.

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