Healing source in Rakovets. Legend of the source. I love cold water.

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

20 kilometers from the city Lviv is a large village Rakovets. There, from the mountains, flowing spring, according to legend - of healing water. People say - who will host twelve laps in the water with sincere prayer that could be heard from the depths of the heart, that God will heal from any disease. The main thing is to believe in it, because for God nothing is impossible.  My dad walked 12 laps, and I'm only three. My mom will not let me more. I washed his head with cold water. I like cold water. I can drink cold water in the cold and throat  not hurts.

From this source starts small creek. People have provided a source of civilized appearance, fenced it done like a cascade of two tiers: the first can gain drinking water, and the second (lower) -  can wash.

That source has a very interesting legend. Even in Austrian times, the site of the modern sources were right. When the owner of agricultural activities found that out of the ground, breaks source. Unknown why, but the man told his wall up. And after a sealed source, the man suddenly went blind.

So he lived blind two years. And then, one day, he had a dream in which it was said that he  will again see,  when open source, and three times wash his face with water from this source. The man listened to unusual advice, and following the - instantly see. In gratitude for healing, masonry erected a chapel near the source. So she put a big sign of God's miracles.

The source is a blessed and healing. It is said that in ancient times, even this source of Mother of God made manifest. From that time began to hold Mass in the chapel and church.

In the early 90's, the researchers Rakovets came from Odessa, they analyzed the water, and found it a big silver content. This water cured many people of various diseases. But certainly not silver provides healing power source and sincere prayer.

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