
Congratulations on winning!

Everything has become very difficult in our country. We are going back to the USSR again, the borders are locked.
This week, a law was passed banning LGBT propaganda, now many films and other materials are banned. This means that many films mentioning lesbians, gays, and sex change will disappear from TV channels, and perhaps even from online cinemas.
Las Vegas is freedom. They don't like freedom here. That's why the ban.

Sorry to hear that. Freedom is so important. :(

Yes, I agree with you.
But many people will trade their freedom and the opportunity to decide their own fate for the fact that he will always have a lunch in captivity, even if it is not very satisfying.
In Russia, since the Soviet era, it has often been said - "if only there was no war." People are ready to live without freedom.

These are difficult times. Hopefully they will not last long. How is the food situation going? I fear that availability is poor.

There is food in the shops. There has always been a sufficient amount of milk, dairy products, meat, bread in our region.
Fruits have become expensive.
Prices are rising for all products.

I am glad that you have been able to grow your own food. It will keep costs down. The price of food has increased everywhere.

you also grow food at home!

Yes. Im sitting pretty.

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