Yuk Join Open trip Pulau Breuh-Pulo Aceh

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Yuk Join Open trip Pulau Breuh-Pulo Aceh :

pendaftaran Trip Pulau Breuh-Pulo Aceh yang akan diselenggarakan, 09 s/d 11 Maret 2018 dengan mengangkat tema "Mari Berwisata Dan Peduli pada Lingkungan " di Pantai Lambaro, Gugop, Pulau Breuh-Pulo Aceh
Acara yang di laksanakan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan keindahan Alam serta keramah-tamahan warga pulau Breuh dan mengkampanyekan pentingnya konservasi penyu di Pulo Aceh

Peserta TERBATAS hanya 25 peserta!!!
Nomor kontak panitia untuk pendaftaran dan menayakan hal yang kurang jelas, bisa menghubungi salah satu no panitia :

  1. Muliadi Pulo /WA :085361126227
  2. Fauzi /WA : 085260505872

Biaya pendaftaran Rp. 600.000/orang
Bagi peserta di sarankan membawa perlengkapan mancing, celana training serta hammock, dan keperluan lain nya.


  1. Boat transportasi Banda Aceh – Pulau Breuh (PP) non reguler
  2. Transportasi selama di pulau (pickup)
  3. Penginapan/tenda
  4. Makan selama trip (2 x diner, 1 x lunch, 1 x breakfast)
  5. Air mineral 2 botol besar/org/hari
  6. Guide dan team support
  7. Alat snorkeling (snorkeling set)
  8. Ikan bakar (grill fish)
  9. Api unggun


  1. Asuransi
  2. Tip (guide dan team support)
  3. Kebutuhan pribadi (yang tidak termasuk dalam point include)


  1. Explore pulau
  2. Explore Willem toren
  3. Snorkeling
  4. Foto hunting
  5. Api unggun
  6. Bakar ikan
  7. Pelepasan tukik/penyu (sesuai jadwal)
  • ENG

registration of Trip Island of Breuh-Pulo Aceh to be held, 09 s / d 11 March 2018 with the theme "Let's Tour and Care for the Environment" at Lambaro Beach, Gugop, Breuh-Pulo Aceh
This event is aimed to show the beauty of nature and hospitality of Breuh island residents and campaigning on the importance of turtle conservation in Pulo Aceh

Participants LIMITED only 25 participants !!!
The contact number of the organizing committee for registration and cultivating the less obvious, can contact one of the committee no:

  1. Muliadi Pulo / WA: 085361126227
  2. Fauzi / WA: 085260505872

Registration fee Rp. 600.000 / person
For the participants suggested bringing fishing equipment, training pants and hammocks, and other purposes.


  1. Boat transportation Banda Aceh - Breuh Island (PP) non regular
  2. Transportation on the island (pickup)
  3. Lodging / tents
  4. Eat during the trip (2 x diner, 1 x lunch, 1 x breakfast)
  5. Mineral water 2 large bottles / org / day
  6. Guide and team support
  7. Snorkeling equipment (snorkeling set)
  8. Grilled fish (grill fish)
  9. Campfire


  1. Insurance
  2. Tip (guide and team support)
  3. Personal needs (which are not included in the include points)

Explore the island
Explore Willem toren

  1. Snorkeling
    Photo hunting
  2. Fire fires
  3. Burn the fish
  4. The release of the turtle / turtle (on schedule)

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