in #travel7 years ago

Hi everyone, Bombay Bill here. I am very new to all this blogging stuff and am currently suffering from a bad case of techno-fear, please bear with me. It's taken me weeks to figure out how to upload anything but I think I understand the principles now. A big thanks to my friend Giles (@Tam-Lin) for introducing me to Steemit and explaining how things work.

I want to share with you something that really interests me - images of the old crumbling colonial mansions and bungalows that still survive in the cities of India. Along the way I will attempt to keep you entertained with my misadventures and hope to give you an impression of what it's like to live as an ex-pat in India in the 21st century.

Victorian mansion in Bandra

I live in Mumbai formally known as Bombay. Today Mumbai is a modern metropolis and many of the historical buildings have been demolished to make way for new development, but hidden away in the dusty alleys you can still find evidence of old Bombay, the colonial city built by the Portuguese and British invaders.

Many of these buildings are crumbling away so I am attempting to photograph them before they disappear for good.

Crumbling townhouse in Khar

West wing of a large Victorian mansion on Carter Road Bandra

Happily due to new legislation some of the finer houses and civic buildings are being restored to their former glory I will post a blog about these later.

The restored Villa Peace Haven - The Bollywood actor Johnnie Walker used to live here.

At the moment I am taking the photographs with a mobile phone! If this blog goes well I hope to invest in a proper camera and take more time composing the images.

I have had a few mishaps exploring the old houses - I even thought I saw a ghost once! I will cover these stories in later blogs.

That's my introduction over, I hope you like the pictures, more to come soon.


It's an amazing city, brings back good memories!

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