Travel Venecija

in #travel6 years ago

12322560_1036318326420468_5820845597395396055_o.jpghe most beautiful city in the world, is quite expensive, but worth a look.
it is the cheapest ride by public transport, vaporett, you can go to the main channel Gradne with the sloping palaces that surround it, come to Piazzola San Marco, enjoy the view of the Mark Church and the ducal palace.
do not get up and drink coffee at the Square, because there's coffee about 25 euros !! The gondola ride is around 100 euros, but you can also bargain if it's not in season when there are plenty of tourists. It is more beautiful in spring and winter, because you can move freely.
You can walk from Piazze San Marco to the railway station, the water and the station Stazione feroviaria, you will not miss If you're driving by car, the most affordable garage is Tronchetto, not the one on Piazzale Roma (it's always full, because it's a parking lot for Venezuelan residents). The
garage tronccheto is great and safe, it is not advisable to leave the car outside the garage because you can easily stay tire !!!!
It is also nice to see the islet of Murano, where Murano glass is presented, as well as the islet of Burano, with beautiful small houses in cheerful colors.
in Venice you always have an exhibition at Palazzo Grassi, it is on the Grande channel, if you are interested in art. The permanent exhibition is in the Peggy Gugenheim Museum (also on the Grande channel).
It is obligatory to propel Venice as it is a special experience ..La Serenissima , as it often springs, was built on 118 islands , bordered by more than 170 canals connected by more than 350 bridges . The Canal Grande , the longest channel, is also their most famous 'street' and crosses the old part of the city into two parts.

If you arrive in Venice by train from the Santa Lucia train , as soon as you leave the station you will see the aforementioned channel and our recommendation is to board one of the water taxi or public city shuttle boats and take it to the best way to get acquainted.

The first of three bridges crossing the Canal is also the most famous - Ponte di Rialto . The whole of its surroundings is very colorful, and especially the nearby market, which is full of well-known masks and costumes at the time of the carnival. Here are the main links of the most popular symbol of the Venice gondola , and there is also an excellent opportunity to have a cappuccino on a number of terraces or to discover what's behind the narrow calle or some 'compo'. When we were already in the Venetian streets, did you know that the only square that is big enough to call the ' square ' of Trg sv. Brand ?

Alongside the Canal Grande, you will see dozens of beautiful palaces, most notably Casa d'Oro , Casa Rezzonico and Palazzo Grassi , while churches and churches, as well as La Fenice , can be found next to the canals . There is also the church of Santa Maria della Salute , which stands as a guard with the canal in Laguna Once you get out on the Riva degli Schiavoni , aka Slavic coast (named after Croats who are that way through history usually come to Venice), you come close to the main square, but before that, do not forget to look at the Ponte dei Sospiri , ie. The Bridge of Sighs , which the name was given for the prisoners who had the last look at Venice before leaving the nearby cell.

When the crowd becomes big enough to wait while crossing the next bridge, then make sure that you are in front of Dužda's Palace , the seat of the most powerful force in the Adriatic. There is also the bell tower of St. The brand , in front of which you often know how to stand a tourist column to climb to the top, but when you come to the same and look at you, you'll just say ' wow! '. From here you can see all of Venice , its squares, roofs and almost the entire lagoon. Sam St. Mark's Square on one side bordered by old and new Prokurative , and on the other the beautiful basilica of the same name of the saint , which is decorated with gold mosaics, sculptures and domes. Just as in many other churches inItaly and here you will see how strong human art and strength are. In the square you will also encounter the inevitable pigeons and numerous waxed lava statues , the main symbol of St. Francis. Brand .

Finally, if your time allows, try to visit Arsenal where the oldest European factory was established in the 12th century and the nearby islands of Torcello , Burano and Murano . The latter is best known for its glass production and its colorful products, such as bracelets or necklaces, will always remind you of this city, a blend of beauty, history and novels.Regular card for water transport
It is 60 minutes after the reset. Valid for all lines, except for numbers 16, 19 and 21. It can also not be used for Alilagunine lines (transport by boat to the airport), airport transportation and special lines - Casino and Vaporetto dell'Arte. Session is allowed if you are moving in the same direction. The price is the same if the ticket is purchased outside the vehicle and in the vehicle. If you board without a ticket, ask immediately when entering the boat.
7,00 €
12-hour chart
It is 12 hours after the first reset. It can be used for all ACTV land and sea lines, except for numbers 16, 19 and 21. It can also not be used for Alilaguna lines (transfer by boat to the airport), airport transportation and special lines - Casino and Vaporetto dell ' Arte. You can also travel to Marco Polo Airport for a surcharge of 4,00 euros and you can also make a return trip for 8,00 euros.
18.00 €
24-hour chart
It is worth 24 hours after the first reset. The same provisions apply as well as 12-hour charts.
20,00 €
48-hour chart
It is 48 hours after the first reset. The same provisions apply as well as 12-hour charts.
30,00 €
72-hour chart
It is 72 hours after the first reset. The same provisions apply as well as 12-hour charts.
40,00 €
72-Hour Youth Card (Rolling Venice)
If you are aged 14 to 29 and buy a Rolling Venice discount card (costs € 4.00,, you have the right to use this card. The same provisions apply as well as 12-hour charts.
20,00 €
Maps for Marco Polo Airport
It is 75 minutes from the moment of rescission. It's about bus lines.
6,00 € (one way)
11,00 € (return)
Security card Venezia Unica city pass (imob.venezia / CartaVenezia)
It lasts five years after the release. Its use makes significant discounts on the cost of transport. The same card costs 40,00 euros. Although it is a high price of issuing, the difference in driving prices is really amazing, so it can be paid off after a dozen driving. With regular sea charts and a combination of sea and bus lines (mainland + sea), you can also buy 10-carat carnets in both combinations.
1,30 € (regular)
2,00 € (regular sea + land)
12,00 € (10 regular carnets)
19,00 € (10 carat sea chart + land)
Regular ticket for bus transportation
It is 75 minutes after the reset. Valid for transport between Mestre and Piazzale Roma, as well as for bus transport on Lido. Session is allowed if you are moving in the same direction.
1.30 € (excl. Vehicle)
2.50 € (in vehicle)
10 carat buscar for bus transport
Each ticket is valid for 75 minutes after the cancellation. Valid for transport between Mestre and Piazzale Roma, as well as for bus transport on Lido. Session is allowed if you are moving in the same direction.
11,00 €
Maps for 'ferry-gondolas
The price varies depending on whether you have the 'Venezia Unica city pass' card or not.
2,00 € (regular)
0,70 € (with Venezia Unica city pass)
Thought transport
For each ride, it is preferable to arrange ahead with the gondolas for detail and price. Here is a minimum prescribed price for 40 minutes drive. The gondola can share up to six punks.
80,00 €
Transportation by train from Mestre and Santa Lucia
2,00 €
Prices in Venice:

Overnight at the hotel is already 50 euros per person
The gondola ride is 80 euros and can cost between 1, 2 or 6 people
Coffee in the café is 2 to 4 euros depending on the location
Pizza in the restaurant is from 8 euros up to 12 euros depending on the location
The ice cream spoon is 1.5 euros higher
The bus ticket for Mestre is 1.3 euros
Shuttle to the airport is 6 to 8 euros per person (depending on the airport)
The 3-course lunch in the restaurant with a view is 30 euros per person and above
Souvenir shops have a price of 1 euro and more, depending on the store / stand or
What to do in Venice?
Basilica San Marco
Cathedral (Basilica) San Marco seems to have come out of fairy tale. This basilica has beautiful decorations and mosaics that have been incorporated into its interior since ancient times.

The Duomo's Palace of the
Gothic Palace in the heart of Venice, which has served rulers throughout the centuries. Over almost 900 years of history, this was the main palace in the city.

Piazza San Marco
The main gathering of tourists in Venice. Stylishly located on the shores of Venice Square Sv. The mark in Venice is an attraction that you must see for life. This is not the only square or piazza in Venice, but because of the smaller surface, all other squares are called "camps". This square has been proclaimed many times as the best or the most beautiful market in the world.

Rialto market
If you want to see what local people are buying, then you need to visit the Rialtov market where you can buy fresh produce every morning, from fruits and vegetables to fish.

Grand Canal
One of the most photographed places in the world. This magnificent canal and its bridge attract millions of tourists every year. There is a good look at the photo to see the magic of this place. Take a tour if you are traveling to Italy.

The Peggy Gugenheim Collection The
Museum of Contemporary Art in Venice is another of the many attractions that you have to visit. This is the leading American and European 20th Century Art Museum.12375002_1036322339753400_2690035016080086319_o.jpg12374786_1036321113086856_4092746021939991565_o.jpg12375307_1036317669753867_9048520970059067361_o.jpg12377847_1036316903087277_8699449186207432455_o.jpg12370980_1036316096420691_6417610809297611207_o.jpg12362761_1036316103087357_8461508848842849194_o.jpg12363242_1036318523087115_6297937498117828459_o.jpg12370980_1036316096420691_6417610809297611207_o.jpg

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