Bohol Tour with these two mate... Our budget and Itinerary!

in #travel6 years ago


1day tour around (chocolate hills, tarsier conservation, zipline, floating restaurant-loboc river, and python). It was fun to be with these two. . Naoki and his friend experienced the zipline for the first time. We've danced with boholanos cultural dance. I'm amazed of these two who really good at dancing. I think I was good at this before hahaha🙄 Anyway, the whole time in the floating restaurant was very relaxing especially with live music and surprisingly a Filipino can sing a Japanese song very well. I enjoyed the harmony of this place. I took a lot of footage in the river. The food are great just like what i've always told them that I like the buffet. Taste very local filipino homemade. Mabuhay Boholanos👏










We stayed in a hostel at coco farm in panglao island which is very close to alona beach. We rented a motorbike and drive through the sunset beach but we ended up to the private property. 😱 I guided them cause I've been here many times but never thought we went to this place. A local person guided us through inside the property in order to fulfill the sunset colours. We've got all the things we want to see. After sitting there an hour we decided to see more. We went to Alona beach for sunset down. It was so beautiful and tireless day. We've got a seafood for dinner in a restaurant where there is a fire dance. It was enjoyable to watch. We moved to a bar for a bucket of beer and played pool with locals. The rain pour us on the way home. 😥 We still manage despite of the rain and mud. The rain continued until morning. We never had a chance to visit the cave and beach till next time.😊





Tour guide for two days and one night with these coolest mate. . You've got my free service😊 haha. .


Thank you guys for treating me like your sister. . ❤

Till next time. . .

Day tour for only Php 1,535.00 including the lunch buffet, entrance, and van.
Zipline : php 400 per person.
Hostel :php 400 per person with free breakfast.

Travel as you can to see the world. Travel is not expensive.


Looks like fun! I’m sure you are a great tour guide. You are looking good!

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