A trip to Bruges, Belgium - Tour around the city

in #travel7 years ago

I did a trip to Bruges, Belgium. I was planning to get up really early and take the first train to Bruges, which departs at 5:45 am. However, I didn't make it out of bed in time. I ended up going by car and departed home at 6 am. I made it in Bruges right in time for the sunrise.

Above is the most iconic spot for taking a photo of Bruges. Since I was this early, I had the whole city for myself. The morning was still chill. No winds and you could feel the sun starting to heat up the city. All shops are still closed.

The city of Bruges is very beautiful and well worth it. If you plan on going to Belgium, skip Brussels altogether and visit Bruges. The city has lots of history. It once was the wealthiest city of all Europe! The city was filled with tradesmen from all over the world. There are lots of smalls streets, still made of boulders. Old houses and monuments. Lots of artists settled here too.

Since I'm this early, I better grab some coffee. This place roasts their own coffee beans!

I did a free walking in Bruges called "Legends free walking tours"

I would totally recommend this tour. The tour guide is born in Bruges and really loves his city. He knows everything about it. He knows the history of every building, you can ask him anything.

Bruges is known to be very romantic. Swans in the water, old and beautiful buildings in pristine condition, boat tours and horses with beautiful carriage!

If you ever plan on visiting Bruges, make sure to go early. The city is a big tourist attraction. By 2 pm the city was filled with tourists. I was able to see everything before that by going early.

Don't forget to buy chocolates while you are there! These are daily-fresh handmade chocolates.

The city is pure Belgium culture. Lot's of chocolate places, small shops, restaurants and pubs (café is what we call them). There are over 600 types of beers in Belgium. The most famous beer in Bruges is the "Brugse Zot" (Bruges foul). The brewery (halve maan) is in the middle of the city and has a pipeline under the city! The pipeline is connected to the taps in the pubs. There's a constant flow of fresh beer to the pubs that are located on the pipeline.

Thank you for reading! I have way more trips I want to talk about and share with you :)

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