More Than Cheese Curds in Wisconsin!

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

1,000 Acres of Wisconsin Farmland

I visited Wisconsin last year for IT training. The training headquarter is surrounded by nearly 1,000 acres of farmland. The HQ has their own food and solar farms, with wind turbines powering the community. It was a bumpy ride traveling from the airport to the farmland surroundings, but the area itself is peaceful and serene.

The food is absolutely amazing! I don’t include vegetables in my diet as often as I should be doing, but I loved the fresh vegetables there. I’m not sure if credit goes to the chef or the freshness of the vegetables being grown in the farm next door. Or the fresh air of being surrounded by 1,000 acres of greenery.

I wouldn't mind visiting Wisconsin again if my company decides to send me back for another IT certification. I would return simply for the food, but next time would elect to stay by the City center. I've heard many others tell me the food there is ever better than the ones near the HQ.

Here are some photos from my visit there!

The circular layout of the HQ. I was told the HQ itself is more than one acre in sqft from one end of the building(s) to the other. I was only able to walk through one half of the building, and when I say walk, it was more like waddling with my pregnant self back then. Too bad they don't have one of those airport walkways.


View of the cafeteria area from the third floor of the building. You can see the farm and landscape beyond with rolling hills. It was raining that day so no one went outside.


I caught a snap of the the solar farm through the window. The solar panels are in the far back, on the right side of the photo. There are also wind turbines on the community grounds but I couldn't get a shot of it from the window view.

The solar farm there is the largest solar farm in the state. Absolutely wonderful. The community can sustain itself if ever there is a zombie apocalypse of The Walking Dead. Remember, head to Wisconsin if that day comes!


View of the landscape from the shuttle bus's window. Imagine being pregnant and having to endure 45 minutes of the very bumpy drive from the airport to the HQ. Any woman remembering that pregnancy stage would understand bumps and pressure on the bladder is NOT the best feeling in the world when there is no ladies room nearby.

For the men who can not relate, we have to attend to the ladies room every 10 minutes when pregnant. Soo..a 45 car ride with uneven terrain is not the ideal scenario.


Yummy Food!

The scallops were delectable! It is very easy to overcook scallops, trust me, I did so many times while attempting to cook at home. I think scallops is one of those food items you can only truly enjoy at a restaurant because they know how to time the cooking process perfectly. Otherwise it gets dry and bland.


Brussels sprout! I was never really a fan until Wisconsin. They have to had add some addictive ingredient into their vegetables. The sauteed brussel sprouts have a charred flavor to it that I can never achieve when I cook at home. My brussels sprout come out dry and burnt.


A sandwich of yumminess plus some other dish I can't remember.


Now I have to find a way to get my company to send me back to Wisconsin!! Even the cheese curds were not that bad.

Thank you for stopping by! Have a BEE-ATIFIC day!

Entry to @juliank's #landscapephotography contest.


Image Sources:
Beeyou image by@seaslim
All photos are original and taken with iPhone


You got a resteem from @unleashpower ... Here entered your link with a joke and got a free resteem. I hope it helps! And good post!

Not going to Wisconsin for the zombie apocalypse. Have you seen how much it snows there? You're crazy. Food looks awsome. They probably grilled the sprouts. Us midwest folks grill everything. And me being from the south we fry everything. So those are the 2 options around here. Lol

I was lucky to go in the summer time. I was told the winter there is brutal so glad I didn't go there. Where else can you go during a zombie apocalypse? Prison like the Walking Dead didn't work out.

I think they grilled all the veggies before stir-frying it later. I still can't get the same outcome. I've had others that went to training tell me the same thing, that the food there is amazing. Are veggies amazing where you are too? I love fried food. I should eat healthier but fried chicken is sooo yummy.

I love to grill veggies on a skewer. Shish ka bobs.

But where are the cookies?

Cookies will be in my next post. I did have some kind of chocolate brownie with pecan toppings. I had seconds of that. :)

Make sure you leave some for the rest of us, greedy guts:)

haha bumpy road and pregnant...don't go there! :)

That food does look awesome. Scallops are like shrimp; you cook them so quickly, but at least shrimp changes color to tell us when they're done :)

Only another mom would understand the need to go with one little bump in the road.

I think the fact that scallops doesn't change color is the culprit of it being its own demise, even after its untimely death. :)

Nothing like fresh veggies right from the farm. And great to hear they're using wind turbine and solar power!

I have some veggies grown in the backyard, but don't remember it tasting as good as it did there. Like bell peppers. It's just okay at home, but perfectly grilled and flavorful there.

I think it's amazing when energy is generated from natural sources. I would love solar power of my own but the price is still too hefty.

Governments and corporations, man. Keepin' the people down, and keepin' the people from having clean, free energy. This is one of those areas that the PEOPLE are taking it into their own hands and coming up with new, innovative technologies.
Rock on!

Looks like a great place for training. Like be the Blues Brothers in the hallway.

Those Blues Brothers were just chill-laxing. They have dedicated themes for each wing of the building. I think that was the Music wing. I mainly stayed in the Alice in Wonderland section with all kinds of funky statues. It was a cool place. The food was probably the best part.

Sneak into somebody's suitcase.

science fiction, fantasy, erotica

Lol joe.nobel. That might be the only way to get back there. I'll have to find out who is up next for training. :)

Sounds like you work for a good company. I like that. It seems to be rare.

Eh..I loved the fact they sent me there for the training and good food. It is rare to find a good company.

There seem to be two cool guys like agents in the first photo. Are those real? The foods looks great!

Is it like a self-sustaining community? All the solar power is distributed in the community?

The two Blues Bros are statues @leeart. :) They do look very real though, lounging like that. The community is self-sustaining. I can't remember if employees of the company lived on the surrounding 1,000k acres or not. I don't think they do. It's just the company's HQ, farms, and solar/wind turbine area (I think). They grow their own vegetables and generate their own power. I think that's pretty awesome. It's a big training center. There are hundreds of people traveling from around the country to train there for a week. The food there is great, but hear winter is brutal.

great share - you really have an eye for photography! I have usually enjoyed company sponsored trips to distant places -my article about Carmel was the result of a company trip and it turned out to be beautiful - next company trip on the list: Lake Tahoe - WHOO - HOO!!

Thanks @jorlauski. I'll have to find some time to read your Carmel post. I've heard of it, but can't remember where it is. Lake Tahoe should be fun! We went there once with friends. They wanted to stay around the casinos though so we didn't get to actually enjoy the beauty of Lake Tahoe. Drove by the lake only, hehe. I had the best French Dip sandwich there, but can't remember which place.

I don't think I want to go there again though, not even for the french dip. It's an upward commute up the mountains and actually kind of scary. The roads are narrow and some areas had very deep drops without guardrails. I made the mistake of looking down and now have chills just thinking of it. I probably won't drive there again. We have snow and lakes here too and roads are a bit safer to travel here imo, so I'm cool.

Hope you have fun on the next company trip. They are always the best. I was trying to get my last company to make me project management of a hospital based in Hawaii...just in case I ever had to travel. They chose someone in Cali to be the point person. Darnit.

I feel the same as you when it comes to cliffs and ledges without rails ... gives me the chills too - its worse if I'm the passenger and can see over the edge. It's a deep seated fear that stems from an incident I had as a child where we were in a jeep and my mother driving it somehow she lobbed us off the side of the road and turned the jeep on its side - all i remember is her saying "nobody move " cause it was teetering on a ledge.In retrospect 0 it was only a small ledge - but as a kid everything seems bigger than it is...I don't like traveling on windy roads either -- especially in the snow or at night.

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