Hello steemit from sunny Barcelona!

in #travel7 years ago


Hello guys! I'm posting from my mobile in lovely sunny Barcelona 🎉🎉

I'll take some pics for you all but I've already found a bike shop 😂😂


The new 2017 250 and 450 are in 😬

Anyway time to have a snack and check out the sagrada cathedral



If you will be in Lithuania sometime, visit us to YAMAHA shop in Vilnius city. I work there. :)

That is a great offer i will keep in the bank dude! :)

Beautiful city!!

The buildings are beautiful.
I only can find boring buildings in Hong Kong.
I think the life in Europe is comfortable, isn't it?
If there aren't any racialists, it would be great.
(Actually I also dont agree with the terrorism)
Anyway, world peace.

It has its ups and downs here... there is beatuy and there is also ugly in mixed amounts. Overal though great place.

Hello dear friend.. Happy to see the sun.. Barcelona is amazing.. Hope I get the chance to visit one day and enjoy the sun..
Cheers and much lovey friend from me

@Vangelov always like your comments and would love to join your voting gang...hahaha

Welcome buddy. Great guy

It sure is mate, im doing my best to get it all in with a whistle stop tour :)
Thanks for the great comments.

I was in Barcelona a few years ago. Marvellous to see how the church has progressed to completion. You managed to captured it beautifully as well.

Thank you @ericwoelk, i was here 20 years ago and its amazing to see the changes... god that makes me sound old :)

Hahaha you're as young as you feel! And affirmation will change you physiologically!

Welcome to Steemit!

haha thank you @cqf but ive been here before the site was live :D

The first picture looks really nice! Was that architecture still under construction? following you now, keep up the great work!

Yes haha, i came here 20 years ago and its still being built :) slow and steady wins the race...

looks great, nice photos!

Besides what racer is also your habit as a traveler?

I do take some days off... not often true....

Ok ... thank you.... your very meaningful vote for me ...

Woah thats cool! Some awesome photos. I've visited that church too in there. Did u also see that same artist made skull/balcony house?

Yeah its awesome

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