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RE: These Pictures From My Western Australia Road Trip Are Absolutely Epic!

in #travel7 years ago

Dude! These photos are awesome! The joey at the end is adorable!

I've moved from Melbourne to the US... and no one here knows that Australia is about as big geographically as the US... but with a 1/12th of the population.

Did you see any camels in the desert? They aren't native, they were introduced 150 years ago... but have no predators and so they just keep breeding and breeding.


Thanks! It's crazy how far away everything is in Australia! I didn't see any wild camels, but yeah I heard the stories, and I saw the huge fence they built across the entire state to keep out the rabbits which were breeding and breeding too!

Oh yeah, rabbits were a huge problem. They actually got to plague proportions in the 1950s and 1960s. My dad has one photo where there is seriously like 2000 rabbits drinking at their dam. Craziness.

What's next on the travel agenda?

That's nuts haha. I'm going to South East Asia for a month and then I'm travelling to Melbourne actually! I will be road tripping around, mainly Tasmania because it looks AWESOME.

Tasmania is awesome! It feels a little bit like the island that time forgot... but it is so pretty and so foresty. Everyone is really nice and it's generally a really fun place to visit (but tough to live there I've heard).

That's a pretty amazing travel-schedule, I can't wait to see the next batch of photos!

Don’t worry I’ll be posting plenty more!!