I Missed My Connecting Flight to Thailand, a day in the Hong Kong Airport......................

in #travel7 years ago

On my way to Thailand a last minute decision to seize an opportunity to assist in a 5 week Sacred Feminine Teacher Training!!!! 5 weeks immersed with the Sacred Feminine doing Qigong, breast massage and jade egg practices!! Yuummm

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I bought my ticket online being last minute and not wanting to go in and find a travel agent, even though I prefer working
with a travel agent. It's nice to know someone has my back!!!

I flew from Comox to Vancouver with Air Canada who checked my bag to Hong Kong when I'm actually going to Koh Samui, Thailand. I asked her why? Her response she couldn't check it through......Strange, my spidey senses told me this not good, however this is what she said.

We left Vancouver about 20 min late for our 14 hour flight to Hong Kong. We landed now I have to go through immigration, wait for my bag, and run with my bag to find Bangkok Airways to get my boarding pass. I get there 10 min after they've closed for checking baggage, and I'm now stuck in Hong Kong missing my flight and the ferry to Kon Phangnan my final destination...........My world has now turned upside down, this is why I don't like travelling........I just want to get from A-B


Time for a cappuccino. I need some comfort.


Then I remember I have a roaming package on my phone, I phone the online sight they can't help me, however they give me hope and I go make my way back to the other terminal to talk to Cathay Pacific to see if they will help me. I found them and they wouldn't take any responsibility saying I had enough time, when I clearly didn't, being fit and able bodied I went as fast as I could to make that flight. I just wanted to get to Koh Phangnan!!!

They sent me to Air Canada desk who also wouldn't take responsibility........

So feeling desperate just wanting to get out of Hong Kong I went online and bought myself a ticket with Bangkok Airways to Koh Samui, feeling discouraged from the lack of assistance. I didn't think to buy flight disruption insurance, it all seemed so straight forward to me.........I share this story to laugh at this the shitty moment and remember to feel the moment, let it pass and make the best of exactly where we are.

Now I make the best of my day in the Hong Kong Airport.............

Some downward dog in the Hong Kong Airport

Yay!!! I made it to Koh Samui, Thailand, at last after about 40 hours of travel with all the transfers.......


First thing I did was went swimming, now sleep!!!!!

With Love
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Oh my dearest Aumsong, quite a travel you had!!!
Thankfully is all finished now, but you know I could read through your post the mistakes people have done and created all that mess for you!
You know I have missed the plane only twice in my life and both times was really out of my hands!
Once in Bombay when a cow had blocked a main highway and we had to wait in traffic for 5 and a half hours!!!
I had left the hotel with the crew of my flight. They were staying in the same hotel with me and the previous night I had met some members and they were kind enough to go out of their way and take me with them in their van.
The result was that even the crew had to be replaced from another crew of Air India, mind you that was Emirates I was travelling with! So that was an example when a bad thing can be saved because there is good will!
The second time I lost my plane, was in Frankfurt, as soon as I arrived at the gate, the lady from the ground staff she practically pulled the strap infront of me and blocked me from entering the plane just like that!!!
I even heard two more of the ground staff saying to her "But why you don't let her in, she is here"!!! She didn't answer back at all!

You see it always comes down to the individual!! People that want to help, people that don't bother and people that want to create trouble!!!

You could do them some damage if you wanted and I can tell you to which individuals as well, but it's not worthy it!!

They will get it eventually by someone worse than them! That's their journey!!

Loved the photos, enjoy it @aumsong ❤ ❤ ❤

What a funny story about the cow blocking the road............ and then the lady that just wouldn't let you on.....yes, she was having a bitter day by the sounds of it!!!!

Yes, I am tempted to ask for some accountability, it's important to be accountable!

Love and hugs

Yeah the cow blocking the road was really funny!!
Imagine that nobody would even dare to move her. You know cows are sacred in India so everybody was waiting for her to move. We are talking about several roads being blocked, unbelievable now that I think about it lol!!
She finally did move about 5 and a half hours later, in the meantime the pilot and members of the crew had several nervous breakdowns lol!

Yeah you should ask for accountability, I agree :), sending many kisses and hugs back to you my dearest @aumsong!!!

Looks like you had a good time :)

I'm glad your inner voice spoke and got you prepared for the madness! The after effects of the time-travelling done by place is so intense... Glad you were able to enjoy a swim before hitting the hay. Looking forward to reading about your time out in the wonderful lands of Thailand!

Namaste :)

HK airport is one of the nicest ones out there, trust me you won a jackpot being stuck there and not in Beijing or Shanghai or Delhi for example. And that bag check in is prolly because you booked with two different airlines on two legged journey? That's pretty common practice for bags and happens to me all the time. Hope you liked Hong Kong! One of my fav places in Asia! How long you gonna be in Thailand for? Much Love

This pain of the missing your flight or train sometimes become unbearable. But you seem to be a courageous lady. I will rather call you the Iron Lady.

Well, at least you finally made your way and chill with a cuppa in between.
Personally, if the airlines considered your time as sufficient, I'm not sure if insurance will be any good.

Thanks, good point, funny thing is the flight was 10 min late and I missed baggage checkin by 10 min.....

I think the argument is whether your booking is made as a connection or 2 separate flights. If it's a connection, I'll still go back and fight with the first airline.

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