High up on the spiral tower!

in #travel7 years ago

Ever wanted to know what it’s like at the far end of New Zealand’s south island? We did. But it wasn’t anything like what we anticipated.


Driving south:

We drove south, away from the town of Invercargill. First along a straight road, and then along curving roads, where necessary to avoid the bay inlets.


The roads weren’t busy. And at times I noticed built up dyke-type ridges. Presuming that was because of the flat lowlands and the need of protection from the sea inlets. It wasn’t a place you would normally see houses, shops or tall large city buildings. 

At lands-end there’s a reserve:

It’s called Motupohue Scenic Reserve. And standing on top of a hill within the reserve, there is a spiral tower. The tower is called Bluff Hill lookout. To get to it, you have to take Flagstaff Road, which starts within the village area of Bluff, Southland district. 

Parking our cars we discovered the lookout tower, just above the parking area. 

Putting on warm climbed the tower. It was built in the design of spiral shell. No steps, just a slopping alleyway that wound up and around the tower. Up and around you wind, ever higher and higher, until you reach the top. 

At the top of the spiral Tower:

And there at the top we found an open viewing area, that you could look out over the land and sea. Panaromically we could see for miles and miles all round. We could see far out because the weather wasn’t misty or cloudy. Here are some photos I’ve linked so you can see what we saw:

This is the view East and South from the tower.

That was a stitched together inland view. And the bottom photo shows the smooth stone in-scripted panel, on the bottom right-hand side.

Then when we looked down at the rock balustrade-wall surrounding us, we noticed a description of the surrounding view. It was encrypted in a smooth stone surface. The stone panel ran right around on top of the rock wall.   

It was simply engraved with neat drawings and outlines of notable hills, valley, islands, etc. How cool was that! 

The fun part:

Someone had done this especially for tourists to recognize their surroundings. New Zealanders are very clever. They know how to please their tourists and make your trip fascinating and ever so memorable. 

Straight away everyone was running their fingers along the engravings and checking up with the surrounding view. It was a lot of fun to see if you could recognize things and where they were actually placed in the surrounding view. 

I was so taken in with this that I didn’t notice straight away that the rest of our family had left the top of the lookout point. So I had to hurry and scurry down to catch up with them.  

After leaving the tower, we drove around to Stirling Point, on the south or sea side of the bluff. Where we found the road had ended with a… 

Signpost pointing in all directions!

It looked so top heavy in that open concrete paved space, with a glass balustrade on the seaboard side. 

Naturally tourist would want to stand for photos under all those placards signs, just to prove they were there too, at the very tip of New Zealand! 

We found the area was designed especially for tourists. Besides toilets, there was also a winding pathway along the coastline edge, that one could spend time wondering along it peacefully enjoying the surrounding nature and look out to sea. 

Feeling I needed some personal space, I quietly separated myself from the crowd. And because I like adventuring, I wondered down this pathway in the hope of getting some really wonderful photos. And I wasn’t disappointed! Here are some of the photos I managed to get.


A surprise at the end of the pathway!

What surprised me though was that there were houses here. In the photos you can see some. But I’m sorry now, that I didn’t take photos of those that were closer to the seashore at the end of the path.  

The reason I was so surprised was that this place seemed so far from the `maddening crowd’ in such a God forsaken place, and subject to all weathers from the South Pole! I suppose if you lived in places like that all your life, you got used to it! 


God forsaken place, love the way you give illustrations of your travel, though I myself belong to a land which is filled with mountains and valley's I must tell the views you get from their is always heart warming..You have to just work and walk a lot, but the results you get are great..The winds blowing, the breeze, the sunshine,everything seems to be a blessing, thankyou for making me miss my homeland more and we all need to be close with nature

And how does your country add something special at the top of their mountains, like the New Zealanders do? They always seem to think up something that makes the spot or town exciting, even add a funny saying to their town welcome boards.

Best thing about being on mountains here, the whole panorama view with lush outfields, the amazing topography and also the weather, to have few lakes around, they simple add to the excitement

I am still amazed by the way New Zealanders keep their nature so safe and beautiful. Nothing's been really changed since I traveled there a long time ago. Your travel posting makes me feel like I'm travelling with you. Thank you for sharing~^^

I'm back in South Africa now. But I still have fond memories of our New Zealand trip.

Haha, humans are masters of adaptability! Personally, I LOVE forests because they emanate such serenity and calm and lend me a feeling of Home. Yet it is very beautiful to have such wonderful view from the top of a mountain or hill as you describe it here. The entire perspective changes. What appears huge when we are directly in front of it suddenly appears small. I don't have altitude sickness but nonetheless I am always caught by utter respect and reverence when I look into the depths from a high plateau, so breathtaking is the scale of marvel.

"God forsaken" places always have either a looming or magical energy but they always harbour secrets!

You surely enjoyed your travel and I love to see how you can connect this with Steemit!

I've been to many places that seemed God forsaken, but if you look more deeply and carefully, there is always something of a particular beauty. I suppose my being an artist, gives me this perspective, having to look for that perfect composition to paint later.

Travel is life and great things never came from comfort zones.looks like you had fun in New Zealand. New Zealand is beautiful as far as I know and these pictures are amazing. And people have to be clever to attract the tourists and promote their places. Sign posts are important for tourists because they don't know anything about the place , they help in guidance.
Anyways having a house or a vacation home in any of places like these is really wonderful. Enjoy your stay dear. Cheers and have lots of fun

When you travel and see such beautiful places, you start dreaming of buying a house close by and what it would be like to live there. But back home I have a very humble home and remember it's charming comfort too.

I like your blog about traveling. There are very few such wonderful places in the world where you can simultaneously see the plains, the sea and the mountains. The only thing that I know similar can be seen in Croatia and Montenegro.
And your photos perfectly emphasize the beauty of these places. In the last photo you showed that there are houses there. These people are just lucky. To have a house in such a beautiful and picturesque place is a dream. The fact that these houses are located far from people can be called a minus. Although in every situation you can find their advantages. I saw houses that are located right in the forest. People adapt to any conditions and circumstances.
New Zealand is the place that every travel enthusiast should visit. Your blog is an excellent and tempting advertisement for New Zealand.
Thank you:)

Thank you too for adding your bit.
Yes there are some houses seen in my photos seen from the path, but there were some more houses even closer to the seashore at the end of the walkway, that I didn't photograph.

I like how you took a place that seems so inhospitable, and made it welcoming. I love adventures, and I will now add New Zealand to my Bucket List.

We should not get dry heaves watching what should be one of the most anticipated films of our lifetimes.

Newzealand is indeed such a wonderful and well endowed country with such beautiful scenaries. I believe God gave Newzealand some special attention and time to design it in the manner it is right now.

This sounds and looks like one of a great adventure you've ever had. The photography is spetacular, very appealing to the sight.

I love adventuring new places as well. With this sharing, I feel like visiting Newzealand at some point in my life time.

Thanks so much @artguru for sharing.

With sharing out travels, its like taking folks along, and enjoying it all over again.

what e=more proof do you need, they shot lord of the rings here

Wow! Thank you for taking us there! I really enjoyed the photos. New Zealand's south island is a beautiful place :)

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